4.1.11 Email: Cave_Bear Group

1. Bryan Guilliams emailed Cave_Bear via NoCars.


At 09:31 PM 2/24/2002 -0600, you wrote:
Eric.  You're a fungi.  Hehehe.   15 This Forreal, indeed.

From: webmaster [mailto:webmaster@nocars.org]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 2:18 PM
To: Bryan Guilliams
Subject: Re: Heh

Fun guy? Yeah, all my friends say that.

Oh, FUNGI? Like a truffle, maybe? Well, I /do/ spend time 
underground, but I'm not exactly small enough to dig up with a 
shovel, ya know.

Nice to hear from you, btw

2. Vpisteve got this response to his query.

At 03:33 AM 2/25/2002 +0000, you wrote:

Are you okay?


Hey Steve,

Yes. I'm doing fine. Just buried in the nocars site. You know how 
it goes, you take on a little volunteer gig and it turns out to be 
much bigger than you ever imagined. Like I needed this with 
everything else I've got going on. 

Hope all is well with you.

3. Donkey Oatey tried emailing the solution to the NoCars Riddle and apparently ticked Cave_Bear off.

/At 09:27 PM 2/24/2002 -0500, you wrote:


From: webmaster [mailto:webmaster@nocars.org]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 3:14 PM
To: xxxxxx
Subject: Re: turnstile


I received your email today and I'm sorry, but I cannot place your
nickname. I see that you are from NY, are you with Jinx? I'm sorry
that I don't remember you.


At 03:19 PM 2/26/2002 -0500, you wrote:
I'm not someone you would know yet, just a compassionate witness.

Truthfully, I didn't expect a response from you.  I was simply responding to
your "puzzle" (the 'poem' you hid on the front page of the ATA nocars.org)
with what I thought to be the correct answer.

I will say that I've been keeping an eye on the events that have been unfolding
with your other "underground" crew.  I'd love to hear more about you guys.
Any information you'd care to share would be appreciated.

By the way, I am indeed living in New York City.  If you would like to hook
me up with Jinx, feel free to pass along my email.

If I can offer any assistance, please ask.


From: webmaster [mailto:webmaster@nocars.org]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 5:09 PM
Subject: RE: turnstile

Oh, that poem. I had forgotten all about that. It was put up 
months ago as a joke for some friends. You needn't be concerned 
with it. It's really nothing. I'll take it down when I get a 
chance. Just with everything going on with work & the site/I'm 

And if you were a "compassionate witness" from NY, you'd know about 
Jinx. You may be a witness, but you are most likely not 

I'm sure you would like more information on my "underground crew". 
Though you seem to have a lot of information already. Too much for 
my taste. You can go tell whoever it is that is responsible for 
this that we don't know a thing. That's the truth.


4. SpaceBass made his own attempt and found out Bear's brother Rebar was still missing.

At 03:05 PM 2/26/2002 -0800, you wrote:
I'm an old friend of Paul Henninger's and was trying to track him down,
since I haven't heard from him in years. I found your name in a web search
although I haven't been able to find anything about him.  He had a brother
named Eric and I was wondering if you were he?  If so, would you be able to
put me in touch with Paul?

Thank you in advance for your help.  If I have the wrong person, please
accept my apologies (although I'd appreciate knowing one way or another).



From: "webmaster " webmaster@nocars.org
To: SpaceBass
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: Is this Eric Henninger from D.C.?

Hi SpaceBass,

Yes, I am from the DC area and I do have a brother named Paul.  So, I assume
that you did find the correct person in your search.  Unfortunately, I
haven't heard from Paul in months so I can't help you out there.

If you track him down, tell him to give us a call.  He left without any
notice and we have no idea where he is.  You know Paul and so you must know
that this isn't like him.  Mom's sick with worry.  Well, we all are.
Please, if you hear from him tell h
im to contact us so that we know that he is ok.




At 03:40 PM 2/26/2002 -0800, you wrote:
Thanks for your prompt reply.  I'm very sorry to hear that Paul is
missing; you're right, that isn't like him at all.  Has a missing persons
report been filed with the police?  I'll keep looking and let you know if I find
anything, but I'm sure they would be much better at this than me.



From: "webmaster " webmaster@nocars.org
To: SpaceBass
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: Is this Eric Henninger from D.C.?

I contacted the police shortly after he left.  There was a lot of stuff
going on at the time and they think that he just needed to get away.  I
don't buy it, but what else can I do.  If I didn't have work and this site
to bury myself into, I'd be going
absolutely crazy.

Thanks again for your concern.  If you happen to get in touch with him,
Please tell him to call.


5. Mos took a different tack and seemed to make Bear mad.

At 09:09 AM 2/27/2002 +0800, you wrote:
Some of my colleagues may have been asking for
information recently. I know this must distress you
greatly, and I realize that we have tried every tactic
to get information from you except one thing: the

You see, we are an investigative group by the name of
"Jawbreakers." We are attempting to solve the murder
of your friend "Popper" and the disappearance of your
brother. We have found a considerable amount of
information, but not enough to undisputable connect
the occurences with our prime suspect, GanMed. If you
help us, we can bring down the top executives with
Conspiracy to Commit Murder and kidnapping.

What we are asking for is information. Any kind. What
you said to them before they were gone, what they look
like..anything at all. If you had contact with a
GanMed employee, tell us. It is absolutely important
that we know all the details.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 21:09:49 -0500 
From: "webmaster " webmaster@nocars.org 
To: mos_eisley_bartendar@yahoo.com 
Subject: Re: The Truth. 

Listen, I don't know who you are or what you are trying to pull.  For 
all I know, you are the same Mos that threatened me and called me a 
punk.   You thought you found something, maybe you didn't.  You can tell 
your `friends' to mind their own business.  You thought you could use me 
a source of info, and I'm tired of people like you thinking that.  
There is nothing that I can /give/reveal you.


Eric, you must understand that we want all of this
figured out. I know the last few months have been
tough. You must understand that this disappearance
could be something much more. The police brushed you
off, and we believe GanMed has agents working on the

Remember the police report Popper had made? That was
never filed, Eric. The police never even saw it. It
went to the GanMed mole and stopped. Don't you
understand? They are stacking against you, and if you
help us, perhaps we can topple it.

Think about it. Popper died two days after filing the
police report. Paul disappeared shortly afterward. You
know there is evidence of GanMed having something to
do with all of this.

Please, Eric. We all want this case to be solved. We
want to find Paul, we want to bring those responsible
for the murder to justice. If this does not happen,
more people may die. More people may be kidnapped.
Crimes which could have been prevented. PLEASE, Eric,
we beg you. Help us.


From: "webmaster " webmaster@nocars.org
To: mos
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: The Truth.

Look, pal, you're obviously pushing this "punk's" buttons
and boundaries.  Can you not read?  What was it about my
email that you /missed/ignored?

6. CeruleanGalactus tried some strong-arming.

At 10:01 AM 2/27/2002 +1000, you wrote:
OK, we know all about it now, its time to move forward to the
next plan.



I don't know what /project/plan talking about, but if you think I'm
as dumb as those idiots you see in the slasher films...the ones who
trust that the noise> outside is just a cat...well,you've got
another think coming.

7. Later emails like this one from Kenbo to Bear seem to generate nothing special, once the NoCars Riddle was solved.

At 08:55 PM 2/27/2002 -0500, you wrote:

Just wanted to say, I like the site.
What can I do to help the cause?




Glad you like it.

You can help a couple ways:

1) Kill your car
2) Tell your friends about the cause
3) Get involved
