LockJaw Timeline v1.15
http://jawbreakers.max15degrees.com/timeline.html Updated March 15, 2002 Compiled by ChessPieceFace (AKA anothercloudmaker) |
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This is the timeline of in-game events
for the game code-named Lockjaw This includes only events
that happened in the game, it is not a guide to how these things
were solved. For details on that see the
Lockjaw Trail
, join the
JawBreakers Group
, or see the
Lockjaw Guide
for a more story-based summary of our discoveries. This
timeline is meant to clarify the order of events in the game, since
we've been given info out of chronological order. |
Comments in curly brackets "{ }" are based partly on spec, or have not been absolutely confirmed to have happened. Comments in square brackets "[ ]" are comments from me explaining the info for the above date. Anything in curly brackets will be explained in the square bracket section. If you disagree with any of the spec or have additions or corrections, please post it to the Jawbreak group on yahoo, and I'll see it there, or e-mail me at cmalachi IHATE@SPAM hotmail.com (remove the words I HATE SPAM). I've been wrong before. All I ask is for politeness in any corrections. Trout me gently. ;) Anything not in square brackets will be told as if we are in the Lockjaw world. There will be no direct references to the game or to the Puppet Masters in these sections. I will not be posting the corporate timeline from GanMed since it doesn't seem that relevant and you can see it for yourself here . The same goes for Net:Sight's timeline . You might also want to check out RebaR's timeline . If text is in this font, it is a direct quote from an in-game source. |
v1.10 Lots of additions and changes. Added September 8, 2001 Saturday , September 12, 2001 Wednesday , September 21, 2001 Friday , September 23, 2001 Sunday , September 25, 2001 Tuesday , Mid-November 2001 , November 18, 2001 Sunday , February 18, 2002 Monday , February 28-March 1, 2002 Thursday-Friday , March 4, 2002 Monday , March 5, 2002 Tuesday , and February 23, 2002 Saturday . Changes to August 12-14, 2001 Sunday-Tuesday , August 18, 2001 Saturday , September 15, 2001 Saturday , September 27, 2001 Thursday , and {December 18, 1999 Saturday} . Added Rebar's timeline to "Notes on the Timeline". Added link to uRf store in Credits. Added link to Lockjaw Guide . v1.03 Deleted some obsolete spec regarding Holly's handle. Added March 2, 2002 Saturday . v1.02 Added August 25, 2001 Saturday and {September 1, 2001 Saturday} . Fixed a few incorrect links. v1.01 Reformatted and HTMLized. Added dates for Net:Sight and GanMed. Updated {July 12 or 13, 2001 Thursday or Friday} entry. Added {December 18, 1999 Saturday} and December 19-30, 1999 . General clean up and typo correction. v1.0 Everything |
-DCMC Christmas Crawl date. Does anyone have any better info/spec about when this took place, or does December 18 seem correct? |
December 19-30, 1999 - DCMC discussion of Christmas Crawl March 2001 - Moreland breaks ground March 6, 2001 Tuesday - TerraShape accepts Moreland contract June 8, 2001 Friday - TerraShape creates Community department June 13, 2001 Wednesday - Newbie's first crawl June 14, 2001 Thursday - Newbie and Vad e-mail exchange June 15, 2001 Friday - Newbie and Vad e-mail exchange continues June 16, 2001 Saturday - {The big Recon happens} July 2, 2001 Monday - Newbie's article about her first crawl August 12-14, 2001 Sunday-Tuesday - Holly's e-mail to Class_Three August 18, 2001 Saturday - {The guys go golfing, the girls go for a fitting} August 25, 2001 Saturday - A tunnel, a room, and bodybags August 29, 2001 Wednesday - Popper dies September 8, 2001 Saturday - Holly {and Class_Three} die in a car accident September 12, 2001 Wednesday - Eulogy for Holly September 15, 2001 Saturday - Holly and Class_Three's planned wedding date September 21, 2001 Friday - Cave_Bear last speaks with RebaR, mysterious phone call September 23, 2001 Sunday - Cave_Bear contacts police about RebaR September 25, 2001 Tuesday - Arney takes report from Cave_Bear about RebaR September 27, 2001 Thursday - Arney talks to Cave_Bear, Cave_Bear sends email October 1, 2001 Monday - Net:Sight announces new products October 26, 2001 Friday - Net:Sight Q&A November 3, 2001 Saturday - Moreland opens November 5, 2001 Monday - Net:Sight announces features, GanMed announces IPO November 9, 2001 Friday - Net:Sight stops support for old versions Mid-November 2001 - uRf is raided {November 18, 2001 Sunday} - uRf is restored by Hermes November 19, 2001 Monday - Net:Sight releases Browser 3.0 Beta February 2002 - Moreland enters Phase IV February 4, 2002 Monday - Post on Cloudmakers leads to Grrl-E-Grrl February 7, 2002 Thursday - GanMed is hacked February 8, 2002 Friday - GanMed is restored to normal February 18, 2002 Monday - Vad goes on a job interview and gets the job February 23, 2002 Saturday - Net:Sight releases Browser 3.0 Beta 2 February 28-March 1, 2002 Thursday-Friday - Hermes instigates GanMed hack March 2, 2002 Saturday - GanMed is hacked twice and threatened March 4, 2002 Monday - Vad's first day at the new job March 5, 2002 Tuesday - GanMed is hacked (again) by Serpent |
Link: http://www.dcmetrocrawlers.org/archivedmsgs/326.htm [The names were gathered from all the postings and equal 16 (not 17, which TombRater says is the number of people that showed). The date is unproved, but the first message in the thread was dated December 19, which was a Sunday, and the group usually goes on crawls on Saturdays.]
DCMC discuss the 5th
Annual Christmas Crawl on their message board Link: http://www.dcmetrocrawlers.org/archivedmsgs/326.htm [Taken from the dates on the posted messages] |
Link: http://www.moreland-wv.org/mayor.htm [Taken straight from the above link.] |
Link: http://www.terrashape.com/news.htm [Taken straight from the above link.] |
Link: http://www.terrashape.com/news.htm [Taken from the above link.] |
Links: http://www.dcmetrocrawlers.org/crawl.htm http://www.dcmetrocrawlers.org/hey.txt [This is all detailed in crawl.htm on dcmetrocrawlers.org. I got the date from hey.txt. On Barbie's e-mail of June 14 she says " I cannot thank you enough for last night. " and, " Why didn't you bring me along sooner? " It's pretty clear this e-mail was sent the day after her first crawl.] |
Link: http://www.dcmetrocrawlers.org/hey.txt [The date is straight off the e-mail. We know that everyone except Barbie got together that night from Vad's reply to Barbie the next day.] |
Link: http://www.dcmetrocrawlers.org/hey.txt [Again the date is straight off the e-mail. It is assumed that Newbie called Vad later because she said she would.] |
Link: http://www.dcmetrocrawlers.org/hey.txt [This is from hey.txt. I'm assuming that the Recon went as planned and Barbie went but there's no proof that it did, or that this is the same recon Holly talks about.] |
Link: http://www.dcmetrocrawlers.org/crawl.htm [This is from the date listed on crawl.htm. We don't know if the date was when it was published or when she finished writing it, or if it ever was published.] |
Link: http://www.dcmetrocrawlers.org/plans.txt [Holly says " mom, maddie & i are going for a fitting on saturday. i told dad that you couldn't wait to get him out on the golf course ," (so we assume the fitting and the golf game are on the same day) and, "i have a feeling you two will be bonding quite a bit on the 19th ," which seems to mean the "19th hole" (the traditional name for the course's bar), rather than the 19th of August. We have no confirmation that the guys actually went golfing or the girls went for a fitting, but they had plans to. We also don't know if the crawlers went for a crawl, or if the two love birds went with them (they hadn't decided yet), we just know a crawl was planned.] |
Links: http://www.dcmetrocrawlers.org/noted.jpg http://www.dcmetrocrawlers.org/reported.htm [Info is from the two above pages at dcmetrocrawlers.org. Technically Popper made the report on August 26 at 1:00am, but it's here for simplicity. CD seems to be Dr. Chet Doan, the head of GanMed (I'm about 95% sure that's correct, but until I'm certain it'll stay here in the comments section). It's important to note that Popper dies four days after filing this report. The logical conclusion is that Arney works for GanMed and GanMed is hiding something in the tunnels. When the DCMCs discover it they start dying off/disappearing thanks to GanMed/Arney. I'm about 95% sure of that too, but it's still spec until we get some stronger evidence.] |
Link: http://www.dcmetrocrawlers.org/obit.jpg [Straight off the obit.jpg] |
Links: http://www.nocars.org/station/2conductor2/Mail/eulogy.htm http://www.nocars.org/station/1nf0rmati0nb00th/Holly.doc [Straight from eulogy.htm. It says, " Which makes it all the more wrenching that they have been taken from us. But I draw strength from the knowledge that she would be happy that she was never separated from her beloved fiancée ", which seems to say that they died together or at least very nearly at the same time. Since the crawlers don't mention Class_Three's death as a separate event it seems that they both died in the same accident, but we have no proof.] |
Link: http://www.nocars.org/station/1nf0rmati0nb00th/Holly.doc [The date is listed on the eulogy, Madeleine Browning is listed as the author (in the properties section of the .doc file), and Creeper posted it, and we knew that Maddie and Holly were good friends, so it seems that Creeper=Maddie. It's a nice eulogy, but kind of short on details for us to use. It seems to support the spec that Holly and Class_Three died together.] |
Link: http://www.dcmetrocrawlers.org/plans.txt [Same reasoning as above. She wrote the e-mail in August then " just a little more than a month away! ", and the wedding was to be on the 15th.] |
Link: http://www.nocars.org/station/1nf0rmati0nb00th/rebar_timeline.htm [Taken straight off of rebar_timeline.htm] |
Link: http://www.nocars.org/station/1nf0rmati0nb00th/rebar_timeline.htm [Taken straight off of rebar_timeline.htm] |
Link: http://www.nocars.org/station/1nf0rmati0nb00th/rebar_timeline.htm [Taken straight off of rebar_timeline.htm] |
Links: http://www.dcmetrocrawlers.org/email.txt http://www.nocars.org/station/1nf0rmati0nb00th/rebar_timeline.htm [Taken straight off of rebar_timeline.htm and email.txt. The email says it's been a week since he's seen RebaR, and we know the 20th was the last time he saw him.] |
Link: http://www.netsightsolutions.net/news/index.htm [Taken from Net:Sight's news page.] |
Link: http://www.netsightsolutions.net/news/questions.htm [Taken from Net:Sight's news page. This contest was closed by the time Jawbreakers found it. The page above says the answers are now posted and links to them.] |
Link: http://www.terrashape.com/news.htm [Taken from the above link.] |
GanMed announces IPO of 5,000,000 shares of common stock. They will be sold for $10.00 a share under the ticker symbol GNMD. Links: http://www.netsightsolutions.net/news/index.htm http://www.ganmed.com/News.html [Taken from Net:Sight's news page. The "intelligent agent" seems to be in the first 3.0 Browser Beta (she's named Mephista), but she doesn't seem to be working right yet. The GanMed ticker symbol was originally GMED, but was changed, since GMED is a real company.] |
Link: http://www.netsightsolutions.net/news/index.htm [Taken from Net:Sight's news page. This is, of course, a convenient way for the PMs to be on version 3.0 without having to actually make versions 1.0 and 2.0.] |
Link: http://www.10101-10010-110.org/discontinuity.html [No concrete date, but Hermes says it was taken down in mid-November.] |
Link: http://www.10101-10010-110.org/discontinuity.html [Taken from the above link. November 18th is the date on discontinuity.html, so I'm assuming that's when the site went back up, but we have no proof.] |
Link: http://www.netsightsolutions.net/news/index.htm [This is a neat little browser for Windows. It has an A.I. and some (un)helpful text scrambling features. Go download it!] |
Link: http://www.moreland-wv.org/history.htm [Taken from the above link.] |
Link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cloudmakers/message/45912 [Straight off the post. BTW, does anyone know who Glitterbook is? Her website is linked in the post, but it certainly doesn't look in-game. Was she just duped into making this post by the e-mail from Barbie Mills?] |
Link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jawbreak/files/Game%20Sites/www.ganmed.com/research.gif [See February 4 above for more info] |
Link: http://www.ganmed.com/update.html [No comment needed, I think.] |
Links: http://www.nocars.org/station/2conductor2/Mail/re_im_back.htm http://www.nocars.org/station/2conductor2/Mail/good_luck_tomorrow.htm http://www.moreland-wv.org/iduna.htm [Taken from the three links above. In good_luck_tomorrow.htm Barbie says he's going on the interview the next day, so that makes it February 18th.] |
Link: http://www.netsightsolutions.net/news/index.htm [Taken from above link. There aren't many new features. You can turn off the agent and log her responses. Mephy has a few new canned replies.] |
Link: http://www.10101-10010-110.org/010.html [Taken from the above link. Note that whoever his source is she's female. These hackers must be pretty quick, the next day they get into GanMed. Security experts, indeed...] |
Links: http://www.ganmed.com/News.html http://www.ganmed.com/dash.jpg [Taken from the pages above. It seems that uRf did this hack, but we don't know if they did the first (number puzzle) hack. The rat image is named cc.jpg.] |
Link: http://www.nocars.org/station/2conductor2/Mail/re_a_thought.htm [Taken straight from the above link.] |
Link: http://www.ganmed.com/clarity.html [This is funny. The binary code spells out the words "Morse code", which is what the calling card really is. You get the feeling that Serpent might think we're idiots too... By the way, who the hell is doing security for GanMed? This is the fourth time in about a month they've been hacked. Microsoft could do better security...] |
And a BIG thanks to the Lockjaw PMs for giving us a fun (and free!) game to play. Go buy a t-shirt , a mug , a mousepad , or a sweatshirt ! Lockjaw Timeline compiled by ChessPieceFace (aka anothercloudmaker). For comments, corrections, deletions, or suggestions, contact me at cmalachi IHATE@SPAM hotmail.com (remove the words I HATE SPAM). v1.15 03/15/2002 CPFace |