LockJaw Trail v5.0

(mirror list here)

Updated May 1, 2002

What evil lurks in the bowels of GanMed Biotechnical?

This is the Trail for the Alternate Reality Game code-named LockJaw. Beasting commenced February, 2002.

CAUTION: This Trail contains SPOILERS for the LockJaw game, both puzzles and storyline.

You might try the QuickStart Guide to begin your journey before you read this Trail.

If you enjoy this game, please support it!




  1. Introduction to LockJaw and the JawBreakers
    1. What's New
    2. Unsolved Puzzles
    3. Current Questions
    4. Cast of Characters
      1. Individuals
      2. DCMetroCrawlers
      3. URF
    5. List of Known Sites
    6. Event Timeline
    7. Support this Game
  2. Discovery Trail
    1. GanMed
    2. Grrl-E-Grrl
    3. Net:Sight Solutions
    4. ThePythia
    5. DCMetroCrawlers
    6. NoCars
    7. Underground Recovery Front
    8. Moreland-WV
    9. TerraShape
    10. General Telometrics
    11. Wired Souls
    12. GuysGuise
    13. GenTel Janitor's Journal
  3. Puzzles
    1. GanMed Hacked! [SOLVED]
    2. Grrl-E-Grrl Cloudmakers Article [SOLVED]
    3. 403 Error [SOLVED]
    4. Pythia.asp [SOLVED]
    5. "Security" Page [SOLVED]
    6. CafePress:Pythia [SOLVED]
    7. Ouroboros [SOLVED]
    8. DCMC Members [SOLVED]
    9. NoCars Riddle [SOLVED]
    10. NoCars Turnstile [SOLVED]
    11. NoCars Platform [SOLVED]
    12. GanMed Calling Card (Dash) [SOLVED]
    13. URF Entry.asp
    14. URF Forums.asp [SOLVED]
    15. NoCars Platform 2 [SOLVED]
    16. Navajo Memo [SOLVED]
    17. The Hunt for Vad's Employer [SOLVED]
    18. URF Barcode [SOLVED]
    19. CafePress:URF
    20. Department Glyphs
    21. Pieces.jpg [SOLVED]
    22. Four-0-Faux [SOLVED]
    23. Moreland Anagram [SOLVED]
    24. Ecclesiastic [SOLVED]
    25. GanMed WebMail Logins
    26. Euchre 2 - Two-Cards [SOLVED]
    27. 48 Emails [SOLVED]
    28. ODES Logins
    29. Hermes Pieces [SOLVED?]
    30. Kasgort Amino Acids [SOLVED]
    31. Euchre 3 - Card Code [SOLVED]
    32. Jo Burgess Screams [SOLVED]
    33. Jo Burgess Calimacus [SOLVED]
    34. GanMed Bread Crumbs [SOLVED]
    35. Eastern [SOLVED]
    36. Pythia Patts [SOLVED]
    37. Beaten Track [SOLVED]
    38. Euchre 4 - Paris to Rouen [SOLVED]
    39. Euchre 5 - Notadoll's Profile [SOLVED]
    40. NinjaBabe [SOLVED]
    41. Net:Sight Product Info [SOLVED?]
    42. Grasshopper and Octopus [SOLVED]
    43. Oddity [SOLVED]
    44. Shiny Eyes
    45. Euchre 6 - Hoyle 272 [SOLVED]
  4. Incoming Clues and MetaData
    1. Email
      1. Solicitation
      2. Story Posting
      3. Webmaster@GanMed
      4. Webgrrl@Grrl-E-Grrl
      5. Info@Net:Sight
      6. Browser Update?
      7. Serpent@ThePythia
      8. Eric.Wyngarde@Net:Sight
      9. Info@Net:Sight (2)
      10. Net:Sight Group (2/26/02)
      11. Cave_Bear Group (2/26/02)
      12. Eric Doesn't Hate UrbanZombie
      13. Lauren Woods Responses
      14. Hermes Gets Philosophical
    2. Mephista
      1. Wyngarde.HTM [SOLVED]
      2. Leland.HTM [SOLVED]
      3. Pierce.HTM [SOLVED]
      4. VanHolt.HTM [SOLVED]
      5. Shaw.HTM [SOLVED]
      6. Frost.HTM [SOLVED]
    3. Phone Calls
    4. Euchre
      1. Game 1
      2. Game 2
      3. Game 3
      4. Game 4
      5. Game 5
      6. Game 6
  5. Current Dead Ends
    1. Sites Without Working Authorization
    2. Non-Game Sites
  6. Resources
  7. Credits

1.0 Introduction to LockJaw and the JawBreakers


Last year, a group of Urban Explorers who called themselves the DCMetroCrawlers went spelunking the tunnels beneath Washington, D.C. They found something that night that somebody didn't want them to see. Mercedes Villanueva reported to the police what the group had found...she was found dead of heart failure days later, at age 22.

What evil lurks in the bowels of GanMed Biotechnical?

Following in the tradition of the illustrious Cloudmakers, the JawBreakers are a collective detective formed to solve the mysteries of the game code-named LockJaw. The Cloudmakers were founded by Cabel Sasser in 2001 to find out why Evan Chan was killed. Evan Chan was a character in the game code-named "The Beast," based around the universe and characters from the movie A.I. After "The Beast" ended, some members of the Cloudmakers suggested continuing the genre by creating their own game.

To browse or join the JawBreakers mailing list, please visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jawbreak/. A condensed version of the mailing list can be found at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jawbreak-moderated/.

An excellent Wired article regarding LockJaw can be found at http://www.wired.com/news/games/0,2101,46672,00.html.

Steve Peters has written an excellent linear walkthrough called the Guide, which helps greatly to put into perspective all the data collected here and in the other JawBreakers resources.

To learn more about the Cloudmakers and "The Beast," please visit http://www.cloudmakers.org/.

1.1 What's New


v5.0: Updated GanMed, updated Net:Sight, updated ThePythia, updated NoCars, updated URF, updated Moreland-WV, updated GenTel, updated Wired Souls, updated GuysGuise, added new site GenTel Janitor's Journal, updated Cast, added Humor to Resources, added Hermes Gets Philosophical email, added Euchre 4, added Euchre 5, added Euchre 6, added Pythia Patts puzzle, added Beaten Track puzzle, added Euchre 4 - Paris to Rouen puzzle, added Euchre 5 - Notadoll's Profile puzzle, added NinjaBabe puzzle, added Net:Sight Product Info puzzle, added Grasshopper and Octopus puzzle, added Oddity puzzle, added Shiny Eyes puzzle, added Euchre 6 - Hoyle 272 puzzle.

v4.5: Fixed URF links to site archive, added Moreland Anagram solution, updated Moreland-WV, updated ThePythia, updated Cast, added new site Wired Souls, added new site GuysGuise, updated CafePress:URF, corrected Pieces.jpg, added GanMed WebMail Logins, updated URF, added 48 Emails puzzle, added Ecclesiastic puzzle, added Euchre 2 - Two-Cards puzzle, updated NoCars Platform, updated NoCars Platform 2, added Hermes Pieces, added emails from Lauren Woods, added ODES Logins, added Kasgort Amino Acids, added Euchre 3 - Card Code puzzle, added Jo Burgess Screams puzzle, added Jo Burgess Calimacus puzzle, added GanMed Bread Crumbs, added Eastern puzzle. (thanks gupfee)

v4.0: Updated NoCars, updated DCMetroCrawlers, considered URF Forums.asp solved, added Euchre Game 1, added Pieces.jpg puzzle, updated Terrashape, added new site GenTel, added solution to NoCars Platform, added Euchre Game 2, updated Cast, updated URF, and added Four-0-Faux puzzle, corrected GanMed Hacked! and ThePythia, added MoreLand Anagram puzzle. (thanks y2kbozo)

v3.01: Updated TerraShape, added URF Barcode puzzle and solution, updated URF Forums.asp, added CafePress:URF puzzle, added Department Glyphs puzzle.

v3.0: Added new sites Moreland-WV and TerraShape, added solutions to NoCars Platform, added NoCars Platform2 and solution, added Navajo Memo and solution, added The Hunt for Vad's Employer and solution, relisted URF Entry.asp as unsolved, updated Grrl-E-Grrl, updated URF, updated Cast, added URF CafePress store to Support, added updated event timeline (v1.10) from ChessPieceFace.

v2.5: Updated Grrl-E-Grrl, updated GanMed, added Calling Card (Dash) puzzle and solution, added new site URF, added URF Entry.asp puzzle and solution, added URF Forums.asp puzzle and partial solution(s), updated Cast, added updated event timeline (v1.03) from ChessPieceFace, added Steve's Guide to Resources, updated Introduction.

v2.01: Updated Grrl-E-Grrl, added many Emails from Net:Sight and Cave_Bear, added solution to NoCars Riddle, added NoCars Turnstile and NoCars Platform to Puzzles, updated Cast.

v2.0: Updated ThePythia, added Members page to DCMetroCrawlers and Puzzles, added new(!) site NoCars, added NoCars Riddle to Puzzles, updated Cast, added Whois info to LarryCarlson.com, updated Mulholland Drive description in Grrl-E-Grrl, embedded Trail puzzle.

v1.08: Fixed link and added to Net:Sight, updated Mephista including link to devjoe's lovely algorithm treatise, added new emails from Eric Wyngarde and Info@NetSight, added sling's mirrors and Remy's search utility to Resources. (thanks sling and Remy)

v1.07: Added to ThePythia, considered Ouroboros puzzle on ThePythia concluded, added a Question, added Serpent@thePythia to ThePythia and Email, updated Intro a little, added updated event timeline (v1.02) from ChessPieceFace.

v1.06: Added to ThePythia and the Pythia.asp puzzle on DCMetroCrawlers, added to Ouroboros puzzle on ThePythia, corrected and added to Cast, updated link to QuickStart Guide in warning, added Support this Game section, added updated event timeline (v1.01) from ChessPieceFace.

v1.05: Updated Grrl-E-Grrl, added to ThePythia and the Pythia.asp puzzle on DCMetroCrawlers, qualified Ouroboros puzzle on ThePythia, corrected and added to Cast, added event timeline by ChessPieceFace, modified Questions and Unsolved Puzzles.

v1.04: Added updates to ThePythia and Pythia.asp puzzle on DCMetroCrawlers.

v1.03: Added some email exchanges.

v1.02: Fixed link to HTML capture in DCMetroCrawlers, added to description for GanMed Hacked!, corrected credit and link for phone call to Net:Sight, added link to QuickStart Guide in warning. (thanks devjoe, yslingley, vpisteve and grimace)

v1.01: Added domain registration info for the sites, corrected the translation for VanHolt.HTM, fixed the summary for Net:Sight, added grimace's conversation with Net:Sight, added Bruce Cain and Larry Coombs to cast. (thanks springboard)

v1.0: Everything. (first compilation)

v0.9: Pre-release Beta.

1.2 Unsolved Puzzles


1.3 Current Questions


  • What's the real story behind Moreland?
  • What is the meaning of the ten little indians reference?
  • Why were there bodybags in the tunnels? What is Arney covering up for "CD"?
  • What happened to Rebar (Paul)?
  • What happened to Mercedes Villanueva? Did Nancy kill her? By making scary faces?
  • Whose "corporate greed" was responsible for the removal of DCMetroCrawlers.org? Was it Enron? Will the next character die in a shredder?
  • Who is the Oracle?
  • Who is The Pythia/Bruce Cain? Is it an alias for the webmaster at GanMed?
  • What has Barbie Mills gotten herself into? Is she in danger?
  • When will there be a picture gallery on Grrl-e-Grrl.com?
  • What do you get when you multiply six by nine?
  • Dave? What are you doing, Dave?

1.4 Cast of Characters


  • Brooke Hunter: Author and Webmaster of Grrl-E-Grrl.com.
  • Barbie Mills (Newbie): Contributor to Grrl-E-Grrl.com. Trial member of the DC Metro Crawlers.
  • Eric Wyngarde: Co-author of the Net:Sight software.
  • Jan van Holt: Co-author of the Net:Sight software.
  • Larry Coombs: Webmaster and domain registrar of GanMed.com. Listed as "supervisor or key contact" of GanMed Information Systems.
  • James Arney (Sam J. Nearey): Listed as "supervisor or key contact" of GanMed Safety/Security Dept.
  • The Oracle: ?
  • The Pythia/Bruce Cain/Ouroboros/Serpent: Registrar of thePythia.net. Possible alias for Larry Coombs. Referred to as female by Hermes of URF.
  • Mephista: A.I. embedded in the Net:Sight browser.
  • CD: Probably Chet Doan, head of GanMed.
  • Eric Henninger (Cave_Bear): DCMC member, webmaster of NoCars.org.
  • Bruce Hollman (Vad): DCMC member, just took on a new job at Moreland-WV as civil engineer/webmaster.
  • Reverend Dan Lee: Runs Wired Souls. Possibly the father of GPS.
  • Oscar Gray: Former employee of GenTel, now working for GanMed possibly at Moreland-WV.
  • Lauren Woods: GenTel NinjaBabe.
  • Sexy Janitor: Self-explanatory.


  • DC Metro Crawlers: Apparently a group of "Urban Explorers," people who explore the subways and abandoned tunnels underneath large cities. AccessMDC and JohnnyJYoung began the following list of members:

    • Popper*** : Mercedes Villanueva : Died age 22 of heart failure in Washington, D.C. DOD 8/29/01
    • Cave_Bear : Eric Henninger : Has had contact with "that cop, Arney;" brother of Rebar. Webmaster of NoCars.org.
    • Vad : Bruce Hollman : Seems to be the ringleader of DCMC, just took a job at Moreland-WV.
    • Creeper : Madeleine Browning : Wrote Credibility's eulogy.
    • Rebar : Paul Henninger: Brother of Cave_Bear. Missing since 9/21/01.
    • Newbie : Barbie Mills : See above, connected to Vad, first exploration 6/13/01.
    • Class_Three*** : Aaron : Engaged to Credibility but died with her in a car accident on 9/8/01.
    • sHErPA : Unknown : Probably an older man as he refers to a "Mrs. sHErPA." Likely a retired Metro employee.
    • NiteLite : Unknown : Female.
    • Steamer : Unknown : Male.
    • Terra_Incognito : Unknown : Male ("Cog")
    • Credibility*** : Holly Principe : Engaged to Class_Three but died with him in a car accident on 9/8/01. Nickname "Billy."
    • TombRater : Unknown : Female.
    • Urban_Legend : Unknown :
    • Pitz : Unknown :
    • TopSider : Unknown :
    • Lunkhead : Unknown :
    • GPS*** : Anson Lee :


  • Underground Recovery Front: Apparently a group of hacktivists who are down on big corporations. This group was responsible for the Calling Card hack on GanMed.

    • unknown : Unknown : Former head of URF, arrested November 2001 on "trumped up charges."
    • hermes : Unknown : Responsible for resurrecting URF site after former webmaster's arrest.
    • e c h e l o n : Unknown :
    • z6 : Unknown :
    • moot : Unknown:
    • sero : Unknown :
    • looty : Unknown :
    • .coma : Unknown :
    • deproductr : Unknown : Sometimes listed as "deproductor" (likely a typo).
    • r! : Unknown :
    • d4d : Unknown :

1.5 List of Known Sites


1.6 Event Timeline


Link opens in new window. (Courtesy ChessPieceFace)


1.7 Support this Game


LockJaw is shaping up to be an excellent game and it costs nothing to play except all of your waking hours! You get to immerse yourself in an alternate reality with great writing and fun puzzles. You can participate in the JawBreakers community and play a part in the collective detective or you can play along solo, solving all of the puzzles yourself. I personally think a large part of the fun is in banding together with a crowd of people you may never have met, and I encourage you to join the JawBreakers.

However you enjoy this game, please consider supporting the PuppetMasters by purchasing a game t-shirt or other item at one of the following sites, or by donating via PayPal. Remember, the PuppetMasters are volunteers and the nature of this game requires them to shell out some cash just to register domains, pay for hosting, buy voicemail boxes, etc. They have subtly given us a way to help bear the costs of throwing a game like this and, as a bonus, you can even get cool gamewear and accessories with logos straight out of the LockJaw universe. Please help out the PMs if you can. You never know...those shirts and mugs might be worth some bucks someday, if this type of thing catches on.

CafePress Stores

Grrl-E-Grrl: Cute Grrl-ie merchandise. If you're a Grrl, buy a cute baby-doll t-shirt and then quick, get a webcam and send me the address.

Net:Sight Solutions: Wear that spooky Net:Sight eye everywhere you go! Turn the shirt around and SEE BEHIND YOURSELF. Arrange rows of mugs with eyes on them around your co-workers' desks and FREAK OUT if they try to move them or turn them the other way. Get a mousepad and tell everyone you like to keep an eye on your mouse balls.

Crazy Pythia's GanMed Security Blowout Sale: Buy a cap and pretend you're a security guard, just like all those people at the airport checkpoints!

Underground Recovery Front Capitalistic Pig-Dog Jamboree: Caution: you must be uber-l33t to purchase these items. Uber-l33t grrls, please remember to send your URF gear modeling photos to me.

PayPal Donations

You can now donate directly to Grrl-E-Grrl! The recipient's email address is brooke@grrl-e-grrl.com.


2.0 Discovery Trail


Sites are generally listed in the order they were discovered.

2.1 GanMed


Summary: This site was registered in November 2001 and became active February 2002. GanMed Biotechnical appears to develop genetic treatments for diseases such as leukemia and down's syndrome. It is based in Washington, D.C.

Interesting Items:


  • Hacked!: Very briefly after the GanMed site went live, the home page was hacked. [SOLVED]
  • Calling Card (Dash): On 3/2/02 a linked image was added to the bottom of the news page. [SOLVED]
  • GanMed WebMail Logins: On 4/2/02 the webmail system was reactivated.
  • GanMed Breadcrumbs: Beginning on 4/9/02, GanMed was updated with links in the squares at the bottoms of various pages on the site. [SOLVED]

Whois Info


2.2 Grrl-E-Grrl


Summary: This site appears to be the web version of a 'Zine that's been around for 4-5 years in print. The author of the site is Brooke Hunter. Barbie Mills is a contributor.

Interesting Items:

  • The Trouble with Fonts: In the feature article, the webmaster of Grrl-E-Grrl.com seems extremely preoccupied with her website's fonts and how much trouble she's having embedding them. Sure enough, a look at the source code shows that she's tried to embed a font called ALBA0... but she misspelled the font file's name in every instance, with an o instead of a zero. No wonder it doesn't work. Correcting it does nothing for now, but bears remembering. —UrbanZombie
  • Horoscopes: The Horoscope page looks fishy but mainly only because of the Pisces signs. When the first horoscopes page was posted, two of the zodiac images at the top of the page were not linked to their respective predictions, Taurus and Gemini. The symbols for Virgo and Scorpio appeared to have been reversed. These problems were fixed when the new horoscopes were posted on 2/18/02. However, the names of the GIF files for the zodiac symbols still bear numbers that are out of order in relation to the order they appear on the page. The different encodings for spaces between paragraphs are still present as well. The horoscopes have been consistently updated since: page 3 - 2/25/02, page 4 - 3/4/02, page 5 - 3/11/02, page 6 - 3/18/02, page 7 - 3/26/02, page 8 - 4/2/02, page 9 - 4/8/02, page 10- 4/15/02, page 11 - 4/22/02, page 12 - 4/29/02. Old pages can be found in the archives.
  • Vanilla Sky: "The Vanilla Sky review has a bizarre but clearly intentional series of spaces in between two paragraphs. Compared to the co-ordinates and the horoscopes, this is nothing, but it's still a little curious" —UrbanZombie
  • Link to Net:Sight Solutions
  • Archives: Archives of old material were added on 2/18/02. These include articles from back to July 2001, as well as the original horoscopes page. (Note: Woohoo, archives! It can't be long now before the picture gallery goes up!)
  • Mulholland Drive: A review of this movie was added on 2/18/02. The first letters of each paragraph spell out "Cloudmakers.org *****". There is something very odd about intermittent usage of apostrophes on this page. On 2/24/02, UrbanZombie returned from god knows what and informed us that he was Simone Wright (née Simon) and that he had written this review. On the apostrophe issue, UrbanZombie says, "There are a couple puncuation discrepencies, but nothing too bizarre. [Apostrophes] and [colons] tend to give editors headaches when being copied to and from emails. They've replaced most of the apostrophes that got lost in the mail, but missed one or two. 99% sure its not an intentional change."
  • March Editorial: An editorial titled "Road trips: a lesson learned" was added on 3/5/01. This editorial appears to be a clue to the NoCars Platform puzzle. It also makes men out to be bumbling, directionless idiots—which is completely true except in my case. You see, I have this infallible internal compass....
  • Kathy Jarrett Article: Here's an interesting feature on a lady who works at GanMed!
  • Wired Souls Article: This little tidbit led us to the Wired Souls website.


Whois Info


2.3 Net:Sight Solutions


Summary: This site belongs to an Oxford-based company that produces a web-browser/mail/web-editor/web-server suite of software. The first preview beta of version 3.0 of the browser was released on 11/19/01. Preview beta 2 was released on 2/23/02, shortly after ExtraRed received an email about it. This site is linked to from both GanMed and Grrl-E-Grrl.

Interesting Items:

  • Mephista: The Net:Sight Browser includes an as yet mostly inactive AI named Mephista. Mephista is your friend and everything she says could possibly be a clue. However, please do not post your conversations to the mailing list unless you are certain they lead to something substantial. She will give you hints if you ask, and will respond to some Beast-specific questions as well (such as "Who killed Evan Chan?"). Mephista's stock responses seem to have been added to in the beta 2 release, although there does not appear to be much new functionality. Also added was the option to turn her on and off, which may or may not do anything. Please note that installing beta 2 over the original version does not appear to install the new features. However, uninstalling the first version and then installing beta 2 does.
  • Corporate Profiles: A question and answer page was added on 2/23/02, coinciding with the release of beta 2 of the browser. The questions were ostensibly provided by website visitors during a contest that was held sometime before February, 2002. The answers are provided by the corporate management of Net:Sight.


2.4 The Pythia


Summary: UrbanZombie says, "For those who slept through greek history, the pythia was the heavily intoxicated woman who translated the words of the Oracle in suitably ambiguous terms. And now she, along with her protector Typhon, has an extremely mysterious website."

Aside from a reminder to "Pay attention to the signs," the first page gives us nothing to do but click on Typhon's head and head inside. The second page, however, lets us... um... OK, it doesn't really let us do much of anything. All there is is a map of the New York City subway system, with a superimposed negative of a creepy looking tunnel. No links, no text, no clues, no nothing. Well, actually, there is a little something. The source code features a little piece of inspiration by the jolly old elf, Kafka: "The mediation by the serpent was necessary: Evil can seduce man, but cannot become man. The battle is already under way. Join me." This was later modified to read, "Join me at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jawbreak/ ."

Interesting Items:

  • Ouroboros: The first page has a graphic that looks like Ouroborous, but is labeled "Typhon." Clicking it takes you to page "713oe." This is a puzzle. (See below)
    • 713oe: A New York City subway map superimposed over the abandoned Atlantic Avenue Tunnel. This page was later updated to link the image to page "144re."
    • 144re: A map of the Dusseldorf subway, superimposed over a photo of a subway train taken in Paris. This page was later updated to link the image to page "169or."
    • 169or: A map of the Barcelona subway, superimposed over another photo of a subway train from Boston. The source code contains the message "Patience, they say, is a virtue. Are you feeling virtuous yet?" This page was later updated to link the image to page "211cw."
    • 211cw: A close-up of the hands of God and Adam from the Sistine Chapel, superimposed with lightning. This page was later updated to link the image to page "158sc."
    • 158sc: A red-washed image of people riding the subway, photo apparently taken from the Toronto Transit Commission. This page was later updated to link the image to page "36mr."
    • 36mr: An image of a bike tunnel in France, superimposed over a train from Seoul, Korea. There is an odd, eight-pointed star at the top of the image. Shawn Kilburn pointed us to this site, saying that an eight-point star symbolizes the decimal sequence for Aquarius, which in turn symbolizes genetic engineering in the Tarot. This page was later updated to link the image to page "17112rdl."
    • 17112rdl: An image of the Odenplan rail stop in Stockholm, Sweden, superimposed with a crawling silhouette man. This page was later updated to link the image to page "51018tag."
    • 51018tag: A collage of keys - piano keys, old timey keys, laptop keys, and the Florida keys. There's a pattern here, I just can't quite put my finger on it. If you down a few beers fast and squint at it from far away, it looks like a big arrow pointing into the upper-lefthand corner of your screen, then it gets all tilty and you wind up on the floor giggling. Okay maybe that's just me. This page was later updated to link the image to page "fin."
    • fin: A map of the Washington D.C. Metro system (like the logo used on DCMetroCrawlers), superimposed over a photo of the D.C. Metro Central Station, all washed in green with the text "fin" (French for "end" or "finish") written at the top. Embedded in the source code is the message, "Our tour ends here. Perhaps you should slow down and get to know your friends. You have the key. You'll just have to use it differently this time."
  • Pomme de Scorpion: The front page was updated on 2/16/02 to add an image of an apple with the symbol for Scorpio. The image is linked to a "Security" page, which bears a puzzle.
  • Serpent@ThePythia: Emailing serpent@thepythia.net yields a quick response, as was pointed out by donkey_oatey. This could be a mailing list subscription. (2/21/02)
  • Ecclesiastic: On 4/2/02, an image of a group of stars was added to top of the main page, which linked to this page. It has an image of a snake wrapped around a branch and a quote, "Woe to Him that is alone when he falleTh for he hath not anotheR to help him Up." The highlighted letters are of a slightly different color. The image was later linked to a page titled, "citsaiselccE," which contained a manipulated screenshot of the Wired Souls audio archive. This led us to the solution of the Ecclesiastic puzzle. (see below)
  • Booth: Chet Doan's first confession. Found by solving the Ecclesiastic puzzle.
  • Path: Chet Doan's second installment. Found by solving the Eastern puzzle.
  • Logo Hack: On 4/14/02 the logo on the front page was hacked into a weird, sparkly, melty version of its former self. It was restored on 4/15/02.
  • Revelations: An interesting newspaper clipping about one Sam J. Nearey being sought by the authorities, with red lettering overlayed on the bottom saying, "Seems Dr. Doan's ship of fools has a loose cannon." Found via the Pythia Patts puzzle.
  • Eucharist: More Chet Doan storytime.
  • Eucharist2: Yet another installment from our favorite Doctor. Found via the Oddity puzzle.


  • "Security" Page: See "Pomme de Scorpion" above. [SOLVED]
  • CafePress:Pythia: Found by solving the "Security" Page puzzle. [SOLVED]
  • Ouroboros: The page names listed above are part of a puzzle. [SOLVED]
  • Ecclesiastic: The highlighted letters are part of a puzzle. [SOLVED]
  • Eastern: The highlighted letters are again a puzzle. [SOLVED]
  • Pythia Patts: On 4/19/02, the "Pay Attention to the Signs" image on the front page of ThePythia was linked to this puzzle. [SOLVED]
  • Oddity: On 4/26/02, a link to this page was added to the front page. [SOLVED]

Whois Info

2.5 DCMetroCrawlers


Summary: This site appears to be inaccessible but was activated on 2/15. It was originally found by accident when jjyoung appended the letter "L" to the index.htm file on Grrl-E-Grrl.com. A capture of the file is located here. The Ouroboros puzzle also leads to this site.

Interesting Items:

  • Pythia.asp: This page bears a form box and GO button underneath the text "You have corporate greed to thank for the removal of this site. You have the Oracle to thank for allowing a glimpse at what was. Pay attention to the signs."
  • Obit.jpg: An obituary for Mercedes Villanueva. Found using Pythia.asp.
  • Crawl.htm: A short story or article by Barbie Mills called First Crawl or Beneath the Street: Confessions of a UE Newbie. Found using Pythia.asp.
  • Email.txt: An email from one guy to four others about a missing friend named Paul (Rebar). Found using Pythia.asp.
  • Hey.txt: An email thread between members of the DCMetroCrawlers from 6/14/01 to 6/15/01. Found using Pythia.asp.
  • Plans.txt: An email from "Holly" to Class Three, date unknown. Found using Pythia.asp.
  • Archivedmsgs/326.htm: A message board archive from DCMetroCrawlers. Replies to the thread are active links as follows: 328, 329, 332, 333, 335, 336, 337, 338, 342, 344, 345, 348, 349, 350, and 351. Found using Pythia.asp.
  • Reported.htm: An email from Popper to the rest of the group, telling them that she reported what they had found to the police. Found using Pythia.asp.
  • Noted.jpg: A copy of the crime report apparently filled out during Popper's police visit by, get this, James Arney from Ganmed. Notes in the margin and on a post-it note attached to the report indicate that Arney intends to "take care" of "dcmc.org" and, presumably, the crawlers themselves on behalf of one "CD." Found using Pythia.asp.
  • Members Page: This page was added on 2/24/02. It lists the members of the DCMetroCrawlers by nickname, giving phone numbers for each of them. Most of the phone numbers appear to be payphones in and around metro stations in Washington D.C. and Maryland. The phone number for Cave_Bear matches that on the domain registration info for the webmaster of NoCars, who coincidentally is named Eric. It is believed Cave_Bear is the webmaster for NoCars. Hidden in this page is a puzzle (see below).
  • Front Page (Fake 403): On 3/17/02 some text was added to the source of the front page. It reads "<!-- to quote: "hermes, when I request your assistance on a project, I expect to see results. I have yet to see anything but excuses. and hermes? in answer to your question, need I mention the "oog"?" --> <!-- stop complaining, we're going as fast as we can here. you know what I have to work with, so you can just stop leaving little presents in the source code...it wont help. besides, just how slow do you think these kids are? Someone's going to notice... -->"


  • 403 Error: On 2/15/02 the front page began to display a somewhat different error page, which is in fact a puzzle. [SOLVED]
  • Pythia.asp: Found by solving the 403 Error puzzle. [SOLVED]
  • Members Page: There is hidden text on the Members page. [SOLVED]

Whois Info

2.6 NoCars


Summary: This is the website for Alternative Transportation Advocates, a group dedicated to reducing dependence on automobiles. The webmaster for this site appears to be none other than DCMetroCrawler Cave_Bear. Their logo (and front page navigation) is based on the D.C. Metro system map. The site was found by solving the DCMC Members puzzle.

Interesting Items:

  • Front Page: The navigation system is made up of five links mapped to five metro stations on the subway map. A list of the stations shown on the logo was compiled by Cortana and can be found here. This list does not include the fact that the Southern Ave. station (number 6 on the Green Line) is linked to you.html. There is hidden text at the bottom of the page (see NoCars Riddle). This map was changed on 3/8/02 and the amount of unlinked stations increased from 8 to 12. This is the key to solving the NoCars Platform. The map was changed again on 3/17/02 to clue the Creeper solution and again on 3/27/02 to clue the Cave Bear login.
  • Join.asp: This page allows you to input your personal contact information and join the ATA. 4:00 a.m. phone calls, anyone?
  • Link to Net:Sight Solutions
  • Vad's Page: Found via NoCars Platform.
  • Barbie's Page: Found via NoCars Platform.
  • Creeper's Page: Found via NoCars Platform.
  • Cave Bear's Page: Found via NoCars Platform.
  • Information Booth: Found via NoCars Platform 2. This appears to be a common posting area for files. Many, many interesting things here, including a description of the NY Ave. crawl and bits and pieces Vad has been smuggling out to Barbie through the Moreland site.
  • What We Know: The DCMCers have put up a timeline of interesting events.


  • NoCars Riddle: There is hidden text at the bottom of the front page of this site. Solving this puzzle leads us to the NoCars Turnstile puzzle. [SOLVED]
  • NoCars Turnstile: This is a simple input box puzzle. Solving it leads us to the NoCars Platform puzzle. (Note: when this page was originally found, the puzzle was broken and any answer would work. This was subsequently fixed.) [SOLVED]
  • NoCars Platform: This is a login puzzle with four currently known solutions. [SOLVED]
  • NoCars Platform 2: This is a login puzzle similar to the first platform but in a deeper directory. [SOLVED]
  • The Hunt for Vad's Employer: Vad emailed Barbie to let her know he got a new job. But when she replied, she cut off the website address! [SOLVED]
  • Beaten Track: This puzzle gave us the changed login for NoCars Platform 2. [SOLVED]

Whois Info

2.7 URF


Summary: This is the website for the Underground Recovery Front, a group of hacktivists dedicated to sticking it to the proverbial corporate "man." They like to speak in l33t and screw with Wal*Mart shoppers (who doesn't?). The site was found by solving the GanMed Calling Card puzzle. On 3/28/02 this site was hacked, apparently by Serpent, deleting the entire site and leaving the Four-0-Faux puzzle on the front page. Some links are to the archived versions of old pages.

Interesting Items:

  • Hidden Text: On the main page of the site (after clicking the graphic on the intro page) there is hidden text at the bottom of the second scrolling frame. It reads, "'Are you a god?' they asked the Buddha. 'No,' he replied. 'Are you an angel, then?' 'No.' 'A saint?' 'No.' 'Then what are you?' Replied the Buddha, 'I am awake.'"
  • Eye of the Beholder: Clicking the left eye of the URF mascot on the main page leads you to a password entry page. (See URF Entry.asp)
  • Link to Net:Sight Solutions, also on the main page in the second scrolling frame.
  • Thermopylae: A wrong guess in the Entry.asp puzzle leads you to this page with an ominous message embedded in the source. Is the page title significant?
  • Forums (downtime): What hacker site would be complete without a bulletin board system? Found via URF Forums.asp puzzle.
  • Events: A list of past and upcoming activist events. Found via URF Forums.asp puzzle.
  • GanMed File 01: A internal GanMed memo from June 1999 regarding experimental gene therapy and Werner's syndrome. It seems GanMed may have been doing research on reversing the aging process. There is an interesting note at the top signed by "CD."
  • GanMed File 02: This is an encrypted memo. (See Navajo Memo)
  • 48 Emails: On 4/3/02, the swirling 404 error on the front page was updated. The words "file not" at the bottom had a brief link that led us to the first of the following emails apparently between h3z (Hermes) and Serpent. Looks like Serpent had Hermes send a couple of uRfers to retrieve some tape from Moreland, and they got "dead" in the process. Each email was linked daily to the next.
    • 01/04/2002: Image 00000001.jpg. I-Ching Hsu - Waiting (Nourishment).
    • 02/04/2002: Image 0000002.jpg. I-Ching Ts'ui - Ts'ui - Gathering Together (Massing).
    • 03/04/2002: Image 000003.jpg. I-Ching Chin - Progress.
    • 04/04/2002: Image 00004.jpg. I-Ching P'i - Standstill (Stagnation).
    • 05/04/2002: Image 0005.jpg. I-Ching Chun - Difficulty at the Beginning.
    • 06/04/2002: Image 006.jpg. I-Ching Shih - The Army.
    • 07/04/2002: Image 07.jpg. I-Ching Li - The Clinging, Fire.
    • 08/04/2002: Image 8.jpg. I-Ching Huan-Dispersion (Dissolution). Source code on the page reads, "<!-- #kb + -->"
  • Car Wreck: Once again, mysterious happenings are afoot at Moreland.
  • Tao: Found via the Hermes Gets Philosophical email. Contains the quote, "yes, this is the right track, the right book. there is nothing before the Tao." (cljones23)
  • Fountainless: Also found via the Hermes Gets Philosophical email. (JohnnyJYoung) Appears to be the third incarnation of the URF site, resurrected yet again. At first it was just a placeholder, but the archive was activated around 4/25/02. (y2kbozo)
  • Obscurity: On 4/15/02, Tien_Le was messaged in IRC by a Lao_Tze who said, "/obscurity/ what you seek comes from nothing, like the emptiness of a vessel." This led Tien_Le to the obscurity page, which contains the following text: "you have the right book, the one you didn't read. it instructs in the Way of things,and how we all should be; what you seek comes from nothing, like the emptiness of a vessel."


  • URF Entry.asp: There is hidden text at the bottom of the front page of this site. Solving this puzzle leads us to the URF Forums.asp puzzle. [SOLVED]
  • URF Forums.asp: This page is titled forum login. It has a header image labeled "Forums," and three text entry boxes with submit buttons next to each labeled (in order) "admin," " downtime," and "events." [SOLVED]
  • Navajo Memo: This is an encrypted internal GanMed memo. [SOLVED]
  • Four-0-Faux: On 3/28/02 the site was hacked leaving this flash animation on the front page. [SOLVED]
  • 48 Emails: A link in Four-0-Faux led us to this email thread between Hermes and Serpent. [SOLVED]

Whois Info

2.8 Moreland-WV


Summary: This is the website for a planned community, planned not just from the ground up but from the underground up even. It is the brainchild of one Jo Burgess. GanMed seems to be involved with it somehow. DCMC member Vad just took a job there as civil engineer/webmaster for the website. This site was found by solving "The Hunt for Vad's Employer."

Interesting Items:

  • Employment Application: In the Employment Opportunities section, there is a link to an online job application. It seems that filling out the form and admitting one has living relatives and close friends causes an instant rejection, but saying none to both categories yields instant success.
  • Residents Only: This is a restricted area for residents of Moreland-WV. Although there is a form for entry of a security code, the form does not currently appear to be active.
  • Link to Net:Sight Solutions on the front page.
  • Memo.jpg: This is a crumpled TerraShape Memo, with really, really awful handwriting. After much effort, a transcription was posted. This memo was found by solving the Moreland Anagram puzzle.
  • Purchase Order: This was found by solving the Euchre 2 - Two Cards Puzzle. It looks like Moreland gets some of its medical supplies from GenTel.
  • Supply Requisition: This was also found by solving the Euchre 2 - Two Cards Puzzle. It appears to be an internal order for a bunch of emergency medical supplies.
  • Stonecutters Pieces: This is another prize Vad found in the trash and posted for Barbie. Found by solving the Euchre 3 - Card Code puzzle.
  • Emergency Room Report: Emergency room medical report from 4/14/02. Found by solving the Euchre 4 - Paris to Rouen puzzle.
  • Crawl1.txt: Vad's description of the first crawl to the new NY Ave. station. Found by solving the Euchre 4 - Paris to Rouen puzzle.
  • Badge: Oscar Gray's GanMed security badge.
  • Disciplinary: Oscar Gray gets in trouble at GanMed.


Whois Info

2.9 TerraShape


Summary: This is the website for the terraforming company that is working on MoreLand-WV. When originally found via a reference on the MoreLand-WV site and some creative whois footwork, this site returned only a 403-Forbidden error. It was later activated on 3/14/02 with a message saying that network problems were responsible for the recent downtime. This company appears to have some very odd ideas about how to go about their projects.

Interesting Items:

  • WebMail: This is a mail login page for TerraShape staff. The form was activated on 3/21/02. The solution to the Pieces.jpg puzzle gives us Jo Burgess' login: jburgess/prosperity.
  • Department Glyphs: This page lists all of the departments that make up TerraShape and each department has it's own odd hexagonal glyph. The glyphs are themselves arranged in big hexagon. (See below.)
  • Link to Net:Sight Solutions on the front page.
  • JBurgess Mailbox: The solution to Pieces.jpg leads us here.


  • Department Glyphs: This page lists all of the departments that make up TerraShape and each department has it's own odd hexagonal glyph. The glyphs are themselves arranged in big hexagon.
  • Jo Burgess Screams: This email from someone named KW contains a puzzle. [SOLVED]
  • Jo Burgess Calimacus: This email also contains a puzzle. [SOLVED]

Whois Info

2.10 General-Telometrics


Summary: This is the website for a pharmaceutical genetic engineering firm. They seem to be involved with GanMed and may be involved in MoreLand-WV (perhaps adding longevity serums to the apple trees or something). This site was found through a reference in the Admin mailbox at URF.

Interesting Items:

  • What We Do: This page starts off with an introduction to what the company does, then leaves off abruptly without listing GenTel's contributions that it purports to list.
  • Products: This page has an interesting list of the GenTel products either currently on the market or in development.
  • Link to Net:Sight Solutions on the front page.
  • ODES: This login page for the Online Data Entry Service was found on 4/3/02.
  • ODES:Kevin Asgort: Found by solving his login.
  • Light Side: The happy-go-lucky GenTel gossip page, edited by hot HR chick, NinjaBabe.
  • Dark Side: The seamier side of Gentel, also edited by hot HR chick, NinjaBabe.


  • ODES: This is a login page to the Online Data Entry Service.
  • NinjaBabe: This is Lauren Woods' alter-ego's business card. [SOLVED]

Whois Info

2.11 Wired Souls


Summary: This is the website for some sort of cult/religion run by a man called Reverend Dan Lee. They seem to be involved with GanMed and may be involved in MoreLand-WV (perhaps adding longevity serums to the apple trees or something). It's been speculated that Reverend Lee's son was Anson Lee (GPS).

Interesting Items:

  • Link to Net:Sight Solutions on the front page.
  • Club: This page starts off with an introduction to what the company does, then leaves off abruptly without listing GenTel's contributions that it purports to list.
  • Sound Archive: This page ostensibly allows you to enter a date and retrieve some past snippet of Reverend Lee's rantings. In fact, it's part of a puzzle mechanism used by Serpent in the Ecclesiastic and Pythia Truth puzzles.
  • Bulletin Boards: Wired Souls uses Community Zero to provide its message boards. Unfortunately the total monthly pageviews are limited, so check the list for updates first.
  • New Year's Edition: This is an archived version of the front page from the start of the year.


  • Unknown.

Whois Info

2.12 GuysGuise


Summary: This is the anti-website of Grrl-E-Grrl written by jamesi and company, and probably not an in-game site. We were led here by jamesi talking about it incessantly.

Interesting Items:


  • Not catalogued.

Whois Info

2.13 GenTel Janitor's Journal


Summary: This is the journal of the sexy, sexy janitor mentioned in the GenTel Dark Side gossip page. He is quite taken with ninjas and hot chicks, and also hot ninja chicks. Has a thing for NinjaBabe. Also appears to like pie.

Interesting Items:

  • The whole freakin' thing is interesting, dammit.


  • Unknown.

3.0 Puzzles


Puzzles are generally listed in the order they were found, unless I forgot one in which case it's listed under 4.2 Mephista.

3.1 GanMed Hacked! [SOLVED]


Very briefly after the GanMed site went live, the home page was hacked and in its place was a simple math problem.: 200^2 + (69^2 + 6^3 + 4^2 + (2^3 - 1)) + 30^2 + (2^3 + 2) + 2.

Shortly thereafter, the site was restored and a news update was posted. Viewable in the source was a smirking message and references to the solution from the hacked page. The solution led us to a post on the Cloudmakers mailing list (see 4.1.1 Solicitation), which in turn led us to Grrl-E-Grrl.

Solution: 45912

Method: One part math, one part inspiration.

By: JohnnieJYoung (Cloudmakers message 45949) was the first to add it up to 45912, while kitson1 (Cloudmakers message 45954) was the first to connect it to the earlier message.


3.2 Grrl-E-Grrl Cloudmakers Article [SOLVED]


At the bottom of the Cloudmakers article, there is a series of latitude and longitude co-ordinates.

Solution: thepythia.net

Method: By referencing the coordinates given and tracking them to the nearest capital cities, we get:

Panama City
Ad Dawhah
El Paso

Read just the first letters to reveal the answer.

By: vexguilliams


3.3 403 Error [SOLVED]


On 2/15/02 the front page of DCMetroCrawlers.org began to display a somewhat different error page.

Solution: The page is a fake. Clicking the "Search" link takes you to the Pythia.asp page.

Method: Sharp eyes.

By: MosServ

3.4 Pythia.asp [SOLVED]


The solution to the 403 Error leads us to the Pythia.asp page. This page bears a form box and GO button underneath the text "You have corporate greed to thank for the removal of this site. You have the Oracle to thank for allowing a glimpse at what was. Pay attention to the signs."

Solution(s): Entering the page names from ThePythia.net reveals the following:

713oe: An obituary for Mercedes Villanueva.
A short story or article by Barbie Mills called First Crawl or Beneath the Street: Confessions of a UE Newbie.
An email from one guy to four others about a missing friend named Paul (Rebar).
211cw: An email thread between members of the DCMetroCrawlers from 6/14/01 to 6/15/01.
An email from Holly (Credibility) to Class Three, date unknown.
36mr: An archive from the DCMetroCrawlers message board, mainly regarding the then-upcoming 1999 Christmas Crawl.

17112rdl: An email from Popper to the rest of the group, telling them that she reported what they had found to the police.
51018tag: A copy of the crime report apparently filled out during Popper's police visit.

Method: Guess work?

By: Katya2032, acutepenguin, johnnyjyoung, devin1998, white knight


3.5 "Security" Page [SOLVED]


A link added to the front page of ThePythia.net takes us to the "Security" Page.

Solution: The message decodes to:

For being experts, they certainly are sloppy.

I've managed to gather a few things to share, and I've added my own special touch. Seems that the only requirement for one of these is respiration.



Method: The message is encoded in ROT-13.

By: devjoe


3.6 CafePress:Pythia [SOLVED]


Solving the "Security" Page puzzle leads us to a CafePress store apparently set up by Pythia. The GanMed Security T-Shirt being sold there has a graphic on the back with a strange half-heart symbol and a broken sequence of numbers.

Solution: ten little indians, anyone ?

Method: "If you substitute letters for the digits, with a=1, b=2, etc., and sometimes having to guess which pairs of digits go together, you get

? enoyna snaidni elttil net

Or, reversed, "ten little indians, anyone?"

The funny symbol at the beginning is a backwards question mark, which is ironic since we were using a question mark to represent the unknown symbol." —Joe

By: devjoe


3.7 Ouroboros [SOLVED]


The seemingly random series of page names on ThePythia turns out to have some order after all. This was probably how we would have found DCMetroCrawlers if we hadn't stumbled into that leftover HTML. However, it should be noted that we may not have been able to solve this prematurely if we hadn't already known about DCMC.

Solution: dcmetrocrawlersorg


The Pythia pages linked from the Ouroboros image are named 713oe, 144re, 169or, 211cw, 158sc, 36mr, 17112rdl, and 51018tag. If we map the DCMC domain to numbers as shown:

D C M E T R O C R A  W  L  E  R  S . O  R  G
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15  16 17 18

and back-check (7, 13 = O, E); (14, 4 = R, E); (16, 9 = O, R), (2, 11 = C, W); (15, 8 = S, C); (3, 6 = M, R); (17, 1, 12 = R, D, L); and (5, 10, 18 = T, A, G). On 2/21/02, the final page was activated, as suspected.

By: devjoe and anothercloudmaker (within minutes of each other!)


3.8 Members Page [SOLVED]


There is text hidden between parts of some of the phone numbers on this page.

Solution: nocars.org


The hidden characters given are:

g a o c r n r o . s

Assuming they represent a .org website, rearranging the remaining letters leads us to NoCars.

By: UrbanZombie


3.9 NoCars Riddle [SOLVED]


At the bottom of this page is white-on-white text that reads:

Peel is to banana as engine is to car.
Feline is to kitten as starlight is to star.
Second is to minute as bit is to while.
Heaven is to pearly gates as station is to...


Solution: http://www.nocars.org/station/turnstile.asp

Method: Logic and inspiration.

By: JJYoung and Bryan Guilliams. (jj found /station/ and bryan filled in /turnstile.asp)


3.10 NoCars Turnstile [SOLVED]


This is mainly a blank page with a text box and a submit button. The page title is turnstile.

Solution: 3214 (The password used in Barbie's article, "First Crawl.")

Method: Pure genius.

By: SpaceBass


3.11 NoCars Platform [SOLVED]


This page is titled CMCD Platform. It has an image of a speeding subway train, flanked by six "icons" taken from bits of the big picture. The bottom of the page has input boxes labeled "Handle" and "Password," along with a "log in" button. There are three known logins for this puzzle and one pending solution.

Solution 1: vad / orient

Method: In the first NoCars map, the first letters of the names of the three unlinked small stations were an anagram of VAD. The linked stations were West Falls Church, East Falls Church, Farragut North, Eastern Market and Southern Avenue. All of these names included compass directions, two of which were east. Thinking "Far East," we arrive at "orient" for the password.

By: SpaceBass


Solution 2: barbara / allen

Method: It was noted by Steve in #jawbreakers that if you took the first letters of the non-linked small stations, you got an anagram for "barbara." The linked stations are Virginia Square, Foggy Bottom-GWU, Georgia Ave.-Petworth, Prince George's Plaza, and Congress Heights. The GWU stands for George Washington University. There are three Georges (after a fashion), one Congress, and one Virginia. If you check the Congress page on NoCars and take a look at the people from Virginia, you'll find one George Allen, hence the password.

By: SpaceBass


Solution 3: creeper / vogue

Method: Unlinked stations were: Cleveland Park, Rhode Island Ave., Eisenhower Ave., Eastern Market, Pentagon City, East Falls Church, and Rockville. Linked stations were: Van Dorn Street, College Park U of MD, Foggy Bottom - GWU, Columbia Heights, and Clarendon. Skprince_s used the fashion links to guess Vogue, then it was later determined that the answer could be arrived at by taking one letter from each name starting with the first letter of Van Dorn, then the second of College Park, and so on to spell the password.

By: mottjr2001 and skprince_s


Solution 4: cave_bear / cancer

Method: Unlinked stations are: Columbia Heights, Addison Road, Van Ness-UDC, Eastern Market, Braddock Ave., East Falls Church, Anacostia, and Rhode Island Ave. Linked Stations are: Glenmont, Arlington Cemetary, Branch Ave., Archives-Navy Memorial, and U St.-Cardozo.

"How did I reach this conclusion, you may ask? First, all the hints about '5 Stars'... then Barbie's comments in the Euchre game about how Bear likes to stargaze... then I looked at the PATTERN of the linked points on the nocars site... and compared it to many starcharts... and it looked suspiciously like the constellation for CANCER! Typed it in... lo and behold, the fruits of my labors!"

By: celina63


3.12 GanMed Calling Card [SOLVED]


This page was originally just a JPEG graphic, which was later embedded by The Pythia into an HTML page which linked to clarity.html, where The Pythia corrected the original graphic's error, not to mention cleaning it up to be more readable and, well, clear.

Solution: 10101-10010-110.org

Method: Assuming any capital letters are dots and lowercase letters and numbers are dashes, we can convert the l33t-speak to morse code. Translating the morse code, while keeping the two errant dashes in the image, gives the solution. In the original dash.jpg, the last three morse sequences spelled "oog" rather than "org."

By: Clan #JawBreakers


3.13 URF Entry.asp


This page is titled "understanding." It has an input box and a submit button. It was considered solved on 3/6/01 but the password was later changed. The original solution was "revolution," arrived at by combining and unscrambling the two-letter names of the frames on the main page: "oe," "in," "rv," "ou," and "lt."

Solution: Unknown.




3.14 URF Forums.asp [SOLVED]


This page is titled forum login. It has a header image labeled "Forums," and three text entry boxes with submit buttons next to each labeled (in order) "admin," " downtime," and "events."

admin: There is a page up called admin.html. At first it said the "mail serv" was down for maintenance. Currently, it says the "serv" is back up and instructs us to log in "properly." In the source code next to this button is the comment: "<-- when he exclaims "run," everyone goes in fear -->" On 3/10/02, this was changed to say "<-- when he exclaims "run," everyone goes in fear, perhaps in error -->"

Solution: 02536664

Method: The updated where.gif gave us clues to eight number eights backward in pi. 88888888 can be found in the 46663520th place in pi. 46663520 backwards is 02536664. 02536664 is the admin password at URF.

By: UrbanZombie

downtime: In the source code next to this button is the comment: "<-- /where the grass is greener -->"

Solution: cpe1704tks

Method: The grass is greener on the other side. This leads us to otherside.html, which appears to be a scrambly word search superimposed over the image of a nuclear blast. Starting with the first letter of the second line and following a zig-zag path through the letters allows us to spell "David hacks from home. His target is Professor Falken's Joshua. He thinks it is a game - but Joshua can play with nuclear codes." A comment embedded in the source code reads: "<-- /the title -->" Using the title of the movie described in the quote leads us to wargames.html, which shows a glowing sequence of letters and numbers (which happens to be the nuclear control code from the movie Wargames). Oddly, entering the letters in caps as shown is ineffective and they must be converted to lowercase to enter the downtime forums.

By: Clan #JawBreakers


Solution: Entering "events" leads to the events page. However, this may not be the entire solution.

Method: Guess work found the "events" solution. As for the source code comment, the first letter of each word in the quote, when concatenated and punctuated, spells "where.gif," which is an image of a circle surrounding a mirrored equational representation of the square root of 64. On 3/10/02, a small white dot was added to the outer circle in a position about halfway between 7 and 8 o'clock. On 3/11/02, Morse code was added inside the circle, which spells "SYNONYMS." On 3/12/02, the image was again updated, this time with an outer ring of letters that turn out to be the first letters of the words that make up the spoken form of pi. The sequence of letters has an error in that it is missing one letter in the middle. This portion of the puzzle is currently unsolved.

By: Clan #JawBreakers


3.15 NoCars Platform 2 [SOLVED]


This page is titled CMCD Platform. It has an image of a speeding subway train, flanked by six "icons" taken from bits of the big picture. The bottom of the page has input boxes labeled "Handle" and "Password," along with a "log in" button. Next to each box in hidden text is the word "trouble." These words were removed sometime in April, and the password was changed.

Solution: liberty / death

Method: See Beaten Track.

By: sapagoo


Previous Solution: ahead / behind

Method: Vad had an email titled "trouble" in his mailbox with partial lyrics from Casey Jones, a Grateful Dead song. The song goes "trouble ahead, trouble behind."

By: Havok10

3.16 Navajo Memo [SOLVED]


This is an encrypted GanMed internal memo "liberated" by the URF.



Chet Doan


Donna Wiggins
Dan Thomas
Tony Wolfe
Chris Mowery
Armando Delapuma
Jim Arney

Date: Monday, June 4 2001 

Subject: Mission Team Update


I have been informed by T.S. that the mission is on schedule.

It is anticipated that the final detail work will be final early 
march 2002.  Placement was scheduled to begin once the mission was 
final; except, due to client request, we will be placing clients 
earlier, as early as this november.

Clients were advised that early placement would result in a plain 
area and advised that conditions would be less than optimal; those 
that were committed have been given advance placement.  It will be a 
far cry from "roughing it", the early placement clients will have 
limited support. 

Support is an immediate, major problem. As I see it, the screening 
and hiring process must be controlled and overseen with attention to 
detail. Any problems we forgot or any thing we tracked and failed 
here could result in a modern-day Frankenstein tale. We've all 
invested too much time and energy in this to let a minor slip grow 
into a major disaster.  

I have scheduled a conference this Friday at 9 to consolidate options 
restaff, primary.

Professional licensing: we pay total fees, as is done for company 

Background checking: my objective is that even a traffic ticket be a 
negative point. Document trails are to be avoided.

Screen personnel: that will be difficult. I will need your ideas on 
Friday. Since termination will not be possible, the degree of 
personnel will be more important than their number.  

The conference will be held, and yes, Tony, we will have donuts.

Jim, can you use your contacts to coordinate personnel investigation?

Donna and Dan: Continue routine monitoring.  We can not afford any 
mistakes at this point.

Chris: Have you reviewed the schedule and contracts?

Armando: There is no mission.

Jim: You have my authorization, defend the security of the mission at 
any cost.

If there are other questions, please add them to the schedule.


Method: The memo is first written in Navajo code-speak, then encrypted in ROT-13.

By: Team Navajo! (Urban Zombie, Jamesi, Mos, Springboard, SpaceBass, SpaceBass's girlfriend, Crfets)


3.17 The Hunt for Vad's Employer [SOLVED]


This is an email reply from Barbie regarding Vad's new job. He told her to check out the website but unfortunately the address got cut off in her reply!

Solution: www.moreland-wv.org

Method: Taking the first letter of each sentence in Barbie's reply, including the errant dash on the line by itself, yields the address of Vad's new employer.

By: SpaceBass


3.18 URF Barcode [SOLVED]


At the top of the main URF page, there is a barcode that is a part of the header image. The solution directs us to click on the left eye of the URF mascot, which we already knew.

Solution: LEFT EYE

Method: From sapagoo's description "I translated the bar codes into relative widths of bars and spaces:


"The next step was to find a bar code type. The two most common are UPC (on merchandise) and Code-39. Code-39 is nice because it encodes letters AND numbers. Searching for a convenient bar code table, I used http://www.adams1.com/pub/russadam/39code.html.

"In code-39 you take 5 bars and the 4 spaces - and 3 of those 9 have to be wider than the others. so I grouped the code accordingly (I had several 2's, which I tweaked to fit code-39).

" 3.1.3...1.1 1.3.3...1.1 3.1.3...1..1 3... 3.1.3...1.1

"Then things got interesting. Seven letters. As I started matching up codes to letters, I got ta-da.... L E F T E Y E."

By: sapagoo


3.19 CafePress:URF


There is something very odd about the pricing on the URF CafePress store. All of the other stores have even numbered prices, however this prices on this page are:

Baseball jersey $18.39
Ash grey t-shirt
Long sleeve t-shirt $20.49
Jr. baby doll t-shirt $18.00
Limited edition hooded sweatshirt $26.49 (removed)
Mug $12.99
Mousepad $12.00





3.20 Department Glyphs


This page lists all of the departments that make up TerraShape and each department has its own odd hexagonal glyph. The glyphs are themselves arranged in big hexagon.





3.21 Pieces.jpg [SOLVED]


Vad uploaded a scan of some torn up paper to NoCars which he apparently scavenged from Jo Burgess' trash. The solution along with the handle "jburgess" gives us a login to the TerraShape mail page (jburgess/prosperity). An image of the reassembled memo was later posted to NoCars.



IT department
password reminder
(scratched out bit)

From my Chinese friend Grace:

"The characters are pronounced "chang lung" in
Mandarin and means "auspicious, prosperous".  It's a
phrase usually used to describe a successful business.
 So it may be the name of a business too."


Call Aleks back,
re: weather patterns
meteorological reports

Method: Hard work.

By: Gupfee and ozy_y2k


3.22 Four-0-Faux [SOLVED]


On 3/28/02 the URF site was hacked, leaving only this flash animation. It starts out as a normal-looking 404-File Not Found error page, which dissolves into a swirling Ouroboros image and ending with a negative-image of the original 404. On the first frame of the animation (which you can see by hitting rewind after it plays), some of the letters are italicized. They are: e h e n s g i e w g e.

Solution: Gehen sie weg. ("Go Away" in German)

Method: Deutsche Anagrammatung

By: Consensus.


3.23 MoreLand Anagram [SOLVED]


On 3/28/02, Vad took our Euchre advice to hide messages in the source code of his website. Found scattered throughout MoreLand's source code (post-Euchre) were the following text characters (in the respective locations):

<!-- m --> "frame" source
<!-- j --> NewsLetter (current)
<!-- o --> Mayor's welcome
<!-- p --> Town History
<!-- e --> Town Statistics
<!-- m --> Employment Opportunities

Solution: http://www.moreland-wv.org/memo.jpg

Method: "I got this by looking at the letters, and taking out the j and the p. No doubt there's a g hiding around, somewhere..." [Indeed there was, in the source code of the employment application acceptance page.]

By: yetanotherid2000


3.24 Ecclesiastic [SOLVED]


On 4/2/02, an image of a group of stars was added to top of the main page, which linked to this page. It has an image of a snake wrapped around a branch and a quote, "Woe to Him that is alone when he falleTh for he hath not anotheR to help him Up." The highlighted letters are of a slightly different color. A hidden message in the source code reads, "ring, ring, ring." On 4/4/02, the source code changed to read, "Truth has a ring all its own. Do you hear it?" On 4/5/02, the image was linked to a page titled, "citsaiselccE," which contained a manipulated screenshot of the Wired Souls audio archive. This led us to the solution of the Ecclesiastic puzzle.

Solution: 87884

Method: The discolored letters anagrammed to the word truth. With the second update, we realized we were supposed to translate it into numbers and use it in the audio archive box at Wired Souls.

By: DonkeyOatey


3.25 GanMed WebMail Logins


On 4/2/02 the WebMail login became active.

Solution: lewisl / kingsmen (Louis Lewis)

Method: "Obvious reasons."

By: UrbanZombie


Solution: doanc / shelley (Chet Doan)

Method: From Frankenstein quotes in Doan's first confession.

By: Tyfanie Star


Solution: thomasd / andrea (Dan Thomas)

Method: Various GanMed emails refer to Dan Thomas' wife, Andrea.

By: DonkeyOatey


Solution: wolfea / rover (Anthony Wolfe)

Method: He mentioned his dog's name in an email to Dan Thomas.

By: vpiSteve


Solution: jarrettk / pennywise (Kathy Jarrett)

Method: There were a lot of Stephen King references in the article about her on Grrl-E-Grrl.

By: celina63


3.26 Euchre 2 - Two Cards [SOLVED]


On 4/3/02, Vad and Barbie held another Euchre game, which we again crashed. Vad gave Barbie a puzzle in conversation during the game and the players and kibitzers dutifully pasted it into #JB.

[17:05] cpface: wow, is vad gonna give us a puzzle?
[17:07] cpface: vadindc: there are 52 cards in a deck, what 2 do you have?
[17:08] Urb[a]nZombie: One card is either the highest or lowest possible
[17:10] jamesi|euchregod: if there is an ace, it isn't black
[17:15] Urb[a]nZombie: If there's a Jack, its red
[17:18] jamesi|euchregod: vad: one of the cards is not the king of spades
[17:21] jamesi|euchregod: vad:  you will never see two diamonds, b
[17:24] jamesi|euchregod: vad:  the higher of the two is a real gem
[17:28] kxmom11x{lurk}: vad: the lower of the two isn't black
[17:29] adoyle: vad:and there aren't any ladies
[17:32] kxmom11x{lurk}: vad: if one card is black, then the other is a 10
[17:35] jamesi|euchregod: v: spades like spades, clubs like hearts
[17:36] jamesi|euchregod: v: if they are the same suit, one is a king
[17:39] kxmom11x{lurk}: vad; kings like queens, jacks don't like either
[17:40] kxmom11x{lurk}: if one is a heart both cards are red
[17:41] kxmom11x{lurk}: it there isn't a queen, there must be a jack
[17:41] cpface: it's an ace of diamonds and a jack of hearts.
[17:45] kxmom11x{lurk}: vad; if neither card is black, then the cards don't stand next to each other
[17:45] UrbanMosbie: So then that's all it CAN be
[17:45] UrbanMosbie: Ace of Diamonds, Jack of Hearts.  Blackjack, baby
[17:49] darklytr: http://moreland-wv.org/aceofdiamonds/
[17:50] UrbanMosbie: Good show!
[17:50] darklytr: http://moreland-wv.org/jackofhearts/
[17:50] ZMaiden: yeah!
[17:56] kxmom11x{lurk}: vad; if your confused, direct yourself to hoyle, follow with the number and then the suit, it is there that you will find the loot
[17:58] darklytr: http://moreland-wv.org/hoyle   gives you a "Not Authorized To View this Page" message
[17:59] darklytr: http://moreland-wv.org/hoyle/ace  and http://moreland-wv.org/hoyle/jack  do the same thing
[17:59] cpface: http://moreland-wv.org/hoyle/ace/diamond/
[17:59] UrbanMosbie: http://moreland-wv.org/hoyle/jack/heart/
[17:59] UrbanMosbie: w00t!
[17:59] cpface: !!
[17:59] jamesi|euchregod: whoo hooooooooooo
[17:59] Aveena|euchre: yeah!
[17:59] adoyle: OK every body rules
[17:59] kxmom11x{lurk}: oh yea!
[17:59] kxmom11x{lurk}: jack pot!!!

Solution(s): http://www.moreland-wv.org/hoyle/ace/diamond/ and http://www.moreland-wv.org/hoyle/jack/heart/

Method: Process of elimination.

By: Team #JB.


3.27 48 Emails [SOLVED?]


On 4/3/02, the swirling 404 error on the front page of URF was updated. The words "file not" at the bottom had a brief link during the animation that led us to the first of the following emails apparently between h3z (Hermes) and Serpent. Looks like Serpent had Hermes send a couple of uRfers to retrieve some tape from Moreland, and they got "dead" in the process. Each email was linked daily to the next.

  • 01/04/2002: Image 00000001.jpg. I-Ching Hsu - Waiting (Nourishment).
  • 02/04/2002: Image 0000002.jpg. I-Ching Ts'ui - Ts'ui - Gathering Together (Massing).
  • 03/04/2002: Image 000003.jpg. I-Ching Chin - Progress.
  • 04/04/2002: Image 00004.jpg. I-Ching P'i - Standstill (Stagnation).
  • 05/04/2002: Image 0005.jpg. I-Ching Chun - Difficulty at the Beginning.
  • 06/04/2002: Image 006.jpg. I-Ching Shih - The Army.
  • 07/04/2002: Image 07.jpg. I-Ching Li - The Clinging, Fire.
  • 08/04/2002: Image 8.jpg. I-Ching Huan-Dispersion (Dissolution). Source code on the page reads, "<!-- #kb + -->"

Solution: http://www.10101-10010-110.org/8/

Method: Adding up the filesizes of the GIFs Hermes sent gives us http://www.10101-10010-110.org/68/. The title of the page leads us to the "Tao Te Ching (Dover Thrift Editions)." Using the book numbers from this version and adding up the I-Ching numbers leads us to http://www.10101-10010-110.org/196/ which tells us to use a different book. Turns out the quantity of emails seems to be the answer.

By: ane_appelt


3.28 ODES Logins


This is a login window for the GenTel Online Data Entry System.

Solution: kasgort / lauren (Kevin Asgort)

Method: An email received from GenTel employee Lauren Woods referred a JawBreaker to her boyfriend, Kevin Asgort. Mr. Asgort apparently subscribes to the ultra-weak security method of generating his passwords based on the name of his significant other.

By: shelmerritt


Solution: jmissoli / white (John Missoli)

Method: In the Light Side gossip page, John Missoli is quoted as asking what the cover of the Beatles' White Album looks like.

By: thenewchico


Solution: lalvaro / voltaire (Linda Alvaro)

Method: Linda (who seems to be seducing her new boss) told Jmissoli, "It is not enough to conquer, one must know how to seduce." This is a quote of Voltaire.

By: mottjr2001


3.29 Hermes Pieces [SOLVED?]


On 4/6/02, certain JawBreakers began receiving emails from Hermes himself. He attached GIF files to each email, each labeled with a name such as "_A_.gif." When combined and rearranged, the letters spelled out "ADD UP THE NUMBER."

Solution: Image

[Inside-spiraling text, starting from the outside]

"where do i even start... there was so much going on that you never knew, that i only half knew, things moving in the background, terrible things... I should have known to get out. It was all too strange how suddenly jules was gone. remember the forums just before then? no, not those forums, the ones you didn't have access too because you didn't see the inside, the dark interior that drove this naive crew down an unpaved road to an imagined - false - noble victory over the "real" evil forces... you would have never known she existed, let alone that she pulled the strings... jules defied her and landed in prison, the rest of them gave her free reign over us, the gophers. i knew what happened but i didn't stand against her, didn't even have the courage to leave. so she got me to send you. moot,"

[Outward-spiraling text, starting from the inside]

"off to your death with "one of the kids" at the wheel. none of us knew what the point was, what the bigger picture was. she didn't tell us, me. now you're dead. i didn't go to your funeral, didnt even know where it was. they kept your name out of the paper, family only. did they play chopins funeral march, i wonder? i would play holsts mars. you felt disconnected from the rest of us, so i sent you, make you part of the group. you didn't speak the lingo but you grasped the ideals, the purpose, better than any of us. now, i know youd warn me off this, but theres no time for wu wei. i am not a stream and she is not a boulder. you went away and for the first time i understood... you won't be here to see it, but i found"

In the middle of the image were two chinese characters. These characters were found to translate loosely to:"The Use of Emptiness."

Method: Reassembly.

By: Team Hermes.


3.30 Kasgort Amino Acids [SOLVED]


This page in Kevin Asgort's ODES files contains an "interesting amino acid sequence."



Gentel Secret Someone:
I know you're watching.
More to follow.

Method: Translation.

By: crfets


3.31 Euchre 3 - Card Code [SOLVED]


On 4/10/02, Vad again gave us a puzzle during the third Euchre game chat.

 9s Kc Jh / Ad Jh 10h Jc Jh Qd
 10s / 10h Kc Ks / Ah Jc Qs 10h Qs 10s
 Kc / Ad Jc Jh 9s Js? 9s Kc Jh / Qh
 Ks Ks Jd 10s/ 10h Kc Ks/ Qc Ks 10h
 Jc Qs Ad/ 10s 9d 10s 10h Ks Qc/ Ac
 Jh 9s Js? 9s Kc Jh / Qd Ks As 10c
 Ks 10s/ As 10h Qd As Js 10h Qs 10s/
 Jh Kh Kh/10h KcKs/ Qc As Jd 10s?
 9s Kc Jh/ Qh Ks Ks Jd 10s/ 10h Kc
 Ks/ Qc As Jc 10h Qs As Js 10s/ 10d
 Js Ac Ks Jc/ 9s Jc As Jd 10s? 9s
 Kc Jh/ Kc Jh Qd Ac 10s/ Ah As Ad
 Qh/ 10h Kc Ks/ Ks Qd Ks Ad 10h Jc
 Qs Ad/ Ad As Jc? 9s Kc Jh/ Qc As
 Qh Ks 10s/ 10s 10h Ks 10c Ks/ Kd 10d
 10h Ks Js Ah Ks Jc Kd/ As/ 10s 10h
 As Jc? 9s Kc Jh/ Jc Jh Ah 10s/ Ad
 As 10c Ks/ Kh Qs 10s Kc/Jh Kh/10h
 Kc Ks Qs Jc/ 10s Qs Kd Kc 10h? 9s
 Kc Jh/ Jc Qs Kd 10s/ Ks 10c Ks Jc
 9d/ Jh 10s Ad As Jc/ Js Qs Kd Kc 10h?

Solution: http://www.moreland-wv.org/stonecutters/

Method: The encoded text translates to:

W H O / C O (n) T R O L
S / T H E / B R I T I S
H / C R O W N? W H O / K
E E P S / T H E / M E T
R I C / S Y S T E M / D
O W N? W H O / L E A V E
S / A T L A N T I S /
O F F / T H E / M A P S?
W H O / K E E P S / T H
E / M A R T I A N S / U
N D E R / W R A P S? W
H O / H O L D S / B A C
K / T H E / E L E C T R
I C / C A R? W H O / M A
K E S / S T E V E / G U
T E N B E R G / A / S T
A R? W H O / R O B S / C
A V E / F I S H / O F / T
H E I R / S I G H T? W
H O / R I G S / E V E R
Y / O S C A R / N I G H T?

The answer, of course is "we do, we do," a reference to the StoneCutters episode of the Simpsons. This leads us to http://www.moreland-wv.org/stonecutters/, which contains some rune code. A key was found which decoded that chicken scratch to "My father would be so proud: Who says you can't teach an old dog new alphabets? Found this lot in the usual way, (the trash) Maybe you can make something of it: Stonecutter's Pieces," leading us to http://www.moreland-wv.org/stonecutters/pieces/. Reassembling the pieces gave us:

GANMED (logo)

As per our telephone conversation of this morning, you should plan on providing Arney with a private office for the remainder of the week, even if you need to rearrange your entire security department to do so. You are instructed to treat him as royalty with unrestricted access to all areas. You are NOT to question his actions or motives.

Arney assures me that he has taken care of the issue of the two kids who were found snooping around. He confiscated the material they had taken and sent them on their way. In his words, he "scard the life out of them and they won't be back." In the event they do return, notify the police and have them escorted out of the town limits.

Your annoyance at being called so early was quite clear in our conversation. I'm beginning to wonder if I made an error in placing you in such a sensitive position; I thought I was abundantly clear when you accepted the job that you were expected to be available 24 hours a day. That expectation HAS NOT changed.



By: mos_eisley_bartendar, mootwo, adoyle98


3.32 Jo Burgess Screams [SOLVED]


An email from KW on 3/24/02 contains only the following text:

eqeiy tsu siez vggssulgu mn kgwi ecogwex
yam yzpl zgv yiad xtfq mq sirmn
pg pfx tdq vf poosvv qe


money has been deposited in your account
you will not hear from me again
do not try to locate me

Method: Vigenere cipher, using the key "scream" from the email subject.

By: yetanotherid2000


3.33 Jo Burgess Calimacus [SOLVED]


On 4/12/02, Jo received an email from CB with the subject "Calimacus." It contained the following text:

From CB
Re: Calimacus
A preview of what's to come:
  • goliard
  • terebinth
  • cymmhorth
  • lant
  • dreaming-bread
  • petty-fogger
  • feague
  • fleam
  • bowssen
  • sockdolager


The following hidden text was also present:

18 22 26 1 20 22 2 13 14 18 15 4 24 13 19 2 8 18 15 19 10 11 20 17 11 9 23 11 17 7 13 13 9 3 9 20 10 6 10 13 10 1 9 23 21 16 8 13 8 6 22 15 25 7 1 6 14 17 18 21 19 26 18 15 16 17 8 6 4 18 18 12 13 17 9 5 26 20 17 9 23 7 17 5 18 8 14 5 10 21 12 14 26 16 23 5 21 9 21 15 24 17 9 2 26 26 20 17 9 23 1 14 12 23 17 20 7 16 8 13 15 24 13 14 18 21 16 14 1 15 20 3 18 7 22 17 25 2 13 6 9 5 10 13 16 24 4 15 16 1 9 9 4 14 26 1 1 21 16 5 10 14 8 15 7 22 24 17 1 16 11 18 15 13 16 9 23 12 15 19 5 23 11 15 16 1 8 2 26 26 2 17 9 17 14 17 20 3 14 6 11 19 9 9 1 8 13 4 16 17 21 5 13 14 20 22 18 14 3 5 24 16 16 10 21 5 16 7 1 6 22 15 8 21 4 2 7 8 9 2 21 13 23 11 9 14 21 20 7 16 20 3 16 9 22 8 9 20 13 8 12 5 16 4 1 6 9 11 23 5 18 21 11 18 9 7 21 23 22 15 20 17 11 9 23 11 15 12 17 26 6 5 10 1 17 20 10 15 7 5 2 8 21 17 16 16 19 13 10 1 5 10 12 13 12 18 8 11 16 2 26 26 12 20 17 8 10 1 20 2 1 14 23 5 2 7 1 6 13 14 7 5 17 20 10 2 15 18 16 2 23 5 2 2 17 7 11 17 17 5 11 13 22 22 15 12 17 13 19 20 1 17 4 22 16 5 10 14 8 9 3 15 15 26 17 20 10 11 9 20 4 23 23 23 10 14 16 8 13 14 20 1 19 23 22 15 8 14 16 14 26 8 9 8 1 10 3 23 15 26 17 20 10 15 7 5 2 8 9 15 24 1 14 23 13 17 16 23 15 14 3 16 1 20 17 14 26 5 16 5 13 26 23 3 5 18 6 9 11 16 15 7 1 6 22 15 17 5 3 25 10 8 20 3 15 8 14 15 26 20 2 19 10 16 20 17 24 13 19 13 9 26 1 10 10 22 15 12 13 26 23 7 9 1 17 13 19 23 17 20 24 25 10 22 15 12 19 26 3 13 9 1 17 23 22 12 1 5 13 17 26 1 4 17 23 10 3 14 10 25 19 8 10 8


idontknowhowyoumanagedtofindmycolleaguebutrestassuredyouwill havenosuchlucklocatingmeitwouldnotbewiseforyoutoregardthatasa
incompetentsyouworkwithbutwebothknowwhatkindofpersonyoureally areiwonderwhattheirreactionwouldbeiftheyweretofindoutaboutthe


Can be solved using the scrambler word WHITE to set up a modified Vigenere Tableau in conjunction with the keyword EUGARP and the original ciphertext. A nice visual representation can be found here.

By: Scryer


3.34 GanMed Bread Crumbs [SOLVED]


On 4/9/02 GanMed was updated with links to the following pages found at the bottoms of various pages on the site. Each page contains fragments of the GanMed logo in text, with some plaintext bits inserted.

http://www.ganmed.com/1.html - inerators can handle five or six at
http://www.ganmed.com/2.html - obody missed them. That's the great thing about the homeless--you can drop them off
http://www.ganmed.com/3.html - week and we could have had them out of the tunnels and burned. Too bad those
http://www.ganmed.com/4.html - ot sure. The report listed ten of th
http://www.ganmed.com/5.html - aid there would be 'treatment failures,' especially early on. I guess 'treatment failure' sounds better than 'de
http://www.ganmed.com/6.html - e was upset, but I took care of

On 4/11/02 these pages were added.

http://www.ganmed.com/7.html - anywhere. Even in tunnels. How many there are, I'm
http://www.ganmed.com/8.html - em, but there are names for some and aliases for others. I still have a copy of the report that that
http://www.ganmed.com/9.html - or 'we fucked up big.' We're covered

On 4/15/02 these pages were added.

http://www.ganmed.com/10.html - re: the screw up down there, things are fine. One more
http://www.ganmed.com/11.html - her. She's not upset anymore.
http://www.ganmed.com/12.html - too. You can't imagine how hot they get. CD

On 4/18/02 these pages were added.

http://www.ganmed.com/13.html - a time. They're fast,
http://www.ganmed.com/14.html - as far as the test patients, n

On 4/29/02 these pages were added.

http://www.ganmed.com/15.html - Villanueva girl "filed." When she came in to see me
http://www.ganmed.com/16.html - ds stumbled across the rooms and saw what they did. Hell,the inc


re: the screw up down there, things are fine. One more week and we could have had them out of the tunnels and burned. Too bad those kids stumbled across the rooms and saw what they did. Hell, the incinerators can handle five or six at a time. They're fast, too. You can't imagine how hot they get. CD said there would be 'treatment failures,' especially early on. I guess 'treatment failure' sounds better than 'dead' or 'we fucked up big.' We're covered as far as the test patients, nobody missed them. That's the great thing about the homeless--you can drop them off anywhere. Even in tunnels. How many there are, I'm not sure. The report listed ten of them, but there are names for some and aliases for others. I still have a copy of the report that that Villanueva girl "filed." When she came in to see me she was upset, but I took care of her. She's not upset anymore.

Method: Patience.

By: Blue_Monde753


3.35 Eastern [SOLVED]


On 4/9/02, the constellation image on the front page of ThePythia was linked to this page, which contained the same image as in the Ecclesiastic puzzle, but with the following text:


Letters that are lighter in color: N S I

Solution: Enter SIN in the sounds archive page of Wired Souls.

Method: Same as Ecclesiastic, except without the converting to numbers part. It's quite straightforward, really.

By: mottjr2001


3.36 Pythia Patts [SOLVED]


On 4/19/02, the "Pay Attention to the Signs" image on the front page of ThePythia was linked to this page, which contains a composite image of a hospital sign, an arrow in the shape of a two, and a pedestrians ahead sign.

On 4/20/02 the following comments were added to the source code.
     <!-- /hospital -->
     <!-- pedestrian -->

On 4/21/02 they were changed as follows and another comment was added.
     <!-- /ho spital -->
     <!-- pe destrian -->
     <!-- he's taken many lives. -->

Method: I have no idea.

By: p33r


3.37 Beaten Track [SOLVED]


A list of roads was found in Vad's NoCars inbox. On 4/19/02, Bear emailed Creeper a second version. A final reminder was sent on 4/24/02.


A good spec summarizing how we were supposed to solve this puzzle is as follows:

We knew CaveBear was a big Grateful Dead fan to start. The title was "The Beaten Tracks", which was a clue: the "track" part was not referring to the fact that these were roads, but tracks to an album (as someone previously specced). I suppose we were supposed to see the list and think something like "wow, that's a lot of roads" or, more precisely, "so many roads." Since there were five lists of roads and five sets on the GD So Many Roads album, we were supposed to pick out what was highlighted, the entire title of the fourth track on the fifth set, which was "liberty".

The second "Beaten Tracks" hint was a way to narrow down the hints. The lists were pared to match exactly the lists of tracks, so that each list had the same number as tracks on that set on the album. Also notice that "Cheddar" was highlighted in addition to "Chagrin River Road", the marker for "liberty." Because only Cheddar was highlighted, and not the full Cheddar Gorge, we were supposed to look at the first word of the title, not the whole title. That corresponded to "death". Hence "liberty" and "death".

Method: Destiny.

By: sapagoo


3.38 Euchre 4 - Paris to Rouen [SOLVED]


Vad gave Barbie (and us) clues to a new puzzle during the April 17 Euchre game.

vad: B: Rouen and Paris, so different, yet so similar
Vad: These rumors of my cheating, that's all they are.....RUmors!


http://moreland-wv.org/caesar/david/la_hire/pallas/judas_maccabee/ - Title: "Nothing to see here, move along." ;)

Method: Paris and Rouen refer to two different styles of playing card printings. The solution is made up of people who were used to represent some of the royal cards in these deck styles.

By: vpiSteve, Tyfanie Star, and Brian Guilliams


3.39 Euchre 5 - Notadoll's Profile [SOLVED]


Barbie said she posted a new image during the Euchre chat. It can be found on her profile page: http://profiles.yahoo.com/notadoll70.


http://www.nocars.org/marginalia252/platform.asp (and most everything buried under it)


The profile picture, entitled 'marginalia' started as an Algebra problem, unsolvable in the five minutes we worked on it. The page was very quickly corrected with a solvable puzzle: a=1; j=11; q=12; k=13. This subbed out 252. www.nocars.org/252.htm returns a blankpage with title 'Did you forget something?' www.nocars.org/marginalia/252.htm gives another blank page with title 'notquite.' And the winner is: http://www.nocars.org/marginalia252/platform.asp.

By: MosServ, jamesi, ozy_y2k, and team #JB


3.40 NinjaBabe [SOLVED]


On 4/25/02, Kevin Asgort's GenTel ODES page was updated with a business card belonging to Lauren Woods. Astrological sign Leo on the ninja suit. The Greek letters on the side are gamma tau | lambda sigma. The "gossip mistress" presumably alludes to her editorship of the company newsletter "Light Side." In a post to the Wired Souls messageboard, she mentions that she put up a secret page on the company website for the corporate gossip.


Method: Unbridled nosiness.

By: Scryer


3.41 Net:Sight Product Info [SOLVED]


On 4/25/02, some screenshots of the upcoming mail client, web editor, and web server were found on the Net:Sight site.


Popup(netsight only):

They came for me.  Had to get away.
Couldn't call in case they traced.
They must not know.

Title:  history to the bone | memory to the marrow
audio file: henninger.mpeg
picture: ankh.jpg  picture of an ankh


:knock knock
:Mr. Henninger.. Mr Henninger...
:We need to speak to you for a moment sir.
:no answer.
:come on.
[door opens]
Boss:He must be inside
2:What do you want us to do now, boss?
1: I don't see him.
Boss:Look for him idiots, he might be hiding.
[papers shuffle]

1:You want us to mess up the place, boss?
Boss:No, it needs to look natural.
     and don't take anything either.
Boss:I know you're here Henninger. I can smell your cologne.
Boss:You know why were here, i think.  You brought us here.
Boss:You can consider us karma.
1:He's not here boss.
2:We can't find him. We looked all over.
Boss:Damn it!
1:I thought I saw something through the window when we were outside.
Boss:He must have seen us coming.  Damn him!
Boss:Check the back door.  He's trying to give us the slip.


The screenshot from the mail client shows a mail with the subject "1564/1593". Trying 1564 as a directory http://www.netsightsolutions.net/1564/ in a standard browser gives you a page titled "you didn't say the magic word". There is embedded gibberish in the source code. When viewed in the Net:Sight browser, you get a popup that says: "I'm afraid not. But you're trying so hard, and I like you, so you can play with game.zip. Just a bit of fun." http://www.netsightsolutions.net/1564/game.zip is what looks like a wad file for Doom. Shakespeare was born in 1564. He died in 1616 so everyone go check out http://www.netsightsolutions.net/1564/1616 with your netsight browser. Popup, audio of someone chasing one of our crawlers, and a picture of an ankh, I believe.

By: vpiSteve, sapagoo


3.42 Grasshopper and Octopus [SOLVED]


On 4/26/02, americaprd found some hidden text in the source code of the Moreland-WV Iduna newsletter, reading "<!-- of the grasshopper and the octopus. All year long, the grasshopper kept burying -->" Crfets pointed out that this was a quote from the character Fry in the television show, Futurama.


http://www.moreland-wv.org/fry/ (and from the source:)

Method: Comic Book Guy-like skills of identification.

By: crfets


3.43 Oddity [SOLVED]


On 4/26/02, a link to this page was added to ThePythia. The discolored words are "let," "stand," and "awe."


Method: Put letstandawe in the sounds archive page of Wired Souls.

By: Tyfanie Star


3.44 Shiny Eyes


On 4/30/02, Hermes sent emails to several JawBreakers with the subject: o.o and the body: x.x

An imagewas also attached called "cesyeuxmehantent.jpg".





3.45 Euchre 6 - Hoyle 272 [SOLVED]


After an exciting match-up (and I don't mean the Euchre game), Vad left in a huff - but as he did so he left a message for B:

"Tell Bear that according to Hoyle 272"


Method: A search for Hoyle on Amazon shows that Page 272 has the game "Four-five-six". so we try http://www.moreland-wv.org/four-five-six/. Look at the source code and we get the prize(s).

By: brownpaperblag


4.0 Incoming Clues and MetaData


Incoming clues and metadata are received from sources other than the web, such as email, telephone, voicemail, newspaper, television, etc.


4.1 Email


4.2 Mephista


4.3 Phone Calls


4.4 Euchre


5.0 Current Dead Ends


  • The "Will SpaceBass Ever Get Any Sleep?" puzzle.


5.1 Sites Without Working Authorization


5.2 Non-Game Sites


LarryCarlson.com: I think it's been concluded that this site, although overwhelmingly strange, is not a game site. However, there is still speculation that it may be. Whois Info


6.0 Resources


JawBreakers Guide: Steve has written an excellent linear walkthrough to the game, which may be easier to follow than this reference.

JawBreakers Mailing List: The place for discussing, discovering, and solving the game code-named LockJaw. This list has the potential to generate a LOT of traffic. Current speculation can be found here. Compiled information such as emails, pictures, and other clues can be accessed by group members in the databases.

JawBreakers Moderated List: This is the best place to get caught up. Important clues, updates, and solutions are posted here by the JawBreakers Moderators.

JawBreakers Live Chat: Join #jawbreakers on irc.chat-solutions.org:6667

Remy's Patented LockJaw Search-O-Tron: Searches all six known game sites, the Trail, and the Timeline. Remy asks: "Please don't abuse this too much - it's not my machine and it's supposed to be low-use."

JawBreakers Laugh Track: Hyuk.
     Game Follower's Manifesto (by Renclothes)
     JawBreakers Theme Song
(by PaleFigure)
     The Unholy Saga of Where.gif (by UrbanZombie)

LockJaw Trail Mirrors:
     mirror1: http://pheendawg.tripod.com/lockjaw/ (thanks sling)
     mirror2: http://www.geocities.com/lockjawtrail/ (thanks sling)


7.0 Credits


This Trail would not be possible without the support of the collective detective group JawBreakers.

The LockJaw Trail is dedicated to TrailBlazer Dan Hon. Layout liberally borrowed from his original Trail.

Thanks to the PuppetMasters for throwing this game. If you enjoy it, please support it!

LockJaw Trail compiled by SpaceBass. For comments, corrections, deletions or suggestions, contact me at LJ-Trail@max15degrees.com. If you want to contact me personally, please visit my site, Max15Degrees, and that'll pretty much take care of that.














v5.0 05/01/2002 SpaceBass