LockJaw Trail v5.0 |
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Updated May
1, 2002 |
What evil lurks in the bowels of GanMed Biotechnical? |
This is the Trail for the Alternate Reality Game code-named LockJaw. Beasting commenced February, 2002. |
CAUTION: This Trail contains SPOILERS for the
LockJaw game, both puzzles and storyline. You might try the QuickStart Guide to begin your journey before you read this Trail. |
If you enjoy
this game, please support it!
Contents |
1.0 Introduction to LockJaw and the JawBreakers |
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Last year, a group of Urban Explorers who called themselves the DCMetroCrawlers went spelunking the tunnels beneath Washington, D.C. They found something that night that somebody didn't want them to see. Mercedes Villanueva reported to the police what the group had found...she was found dead of heart failure days later, at age 22. What evil lurks in the bowels of GanMed Biotechnical? Following in the tradition of the illustrious Cloudmakers, the JawBreakers are a collective detective formed to solve the mysteries of the game code-named LockJaw. The Cloudmakers were founded by Cabel Sasser in 2001 to find out why Evan Chan was killed. Evan Chan was a character in the game code-named "The Beast," based around the universe and characters from the movie A.I. After "The Beast" ended, some members of the Cloudmakers suggested continuing the genre by creating their own game. To browse or join the JawBreakers mailing list, please visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jawbreak/. A condensed version of the mailing list can be found at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jawbreak-moderated/. An excellent Wired article regarding LockJaw can be found at http://www.wired.com/news/games/0,2101,46672,00.html. Steve Peters has written an excellent linear walkthrough called the Guide, which helps greatly to put into perspective all the data collected here and in the other JawBreakers resources. To learn more about the Cloudmakers and "The Beast," please visit http://www.cloudmakers.org/.
1.1 What's New |
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v5.0: Updated GanMed, updated Net:Sight, updated ThePythia, updated NoCars, updated URF, updated Moreland-WV, updated GenTel, updated Wired Souls, updated GuysGuise, added new site GenTel Janitor's Journal, updated Cast, added Humor to Resources, added Hermes Gets Philosophical email, added Euchre 4, added Euchre 5, added Euchre 6, added Pythia Patts puzzle, added Beaten Track puzzle, added Euchre 4 - Paris to Rouen puzzle, added Euchre 5 - Notadoll's Profile puzzle, added NinjaBabe puzzle, added Net:Sight Product Info puzzle, added Grasshopper and Octopus puzzle, added Oddity puzzle, added Shiny Eyes puzzle, added Euchre 6 - Hoyle 272 puzzle. v4.5: Fixed URF links to site archive, added Moreland Anagram solution, updated Moreland-WV, updated ThePythia, updated Cast, added new site Wired Souls, added new site GuysGuise, updated CafePress:URF, corrected Pieces.jpg, added GanMed WebMail Logins, updated URF, added 48 Emails puzzle, added Ecclesiastic puzzle, added Euchre 2 - Two-Cards puzzle, updated NoCars Platform, updated NoCars Platform 2, added Hermes Pieces, added emails from Lauren Woods, added ODES Logins, added Kasgort Amino Acids, added Euchre 3 - Card Code puzzle, added Jo Burgess Screams puzzle, added Jo Burgess Calimacus puzzle, added GanMed Bread Crumbs, added Eastern puzzle. (thanks gupfee) v4.0: Updated NoCars, updated DCMetroCrawlers, considered URF Forums.asp solved, added Euchre Game 1, added Pieces.jpg puzzle, updated Terrashape, added new site GenTel, added solution to NoCars Platform, added Euchre Game 2, updated Cast, updated URF, and added Four-0-Faux puzzle, corrected GanMed Hacked! and ThePythia, added MoreLand Anagram puzzle. (thanks y2kbozo) v3.01: Updated TerraShape, added URF Barcode puzzle and solution, updated URF Forums.asp, added CafePress:URF puzzle, added Department Glyphs puzzle. v3.0: Added new sites Moreland-WV and TerraShape, added solutions to NoCars Platform, added NoCars Platform2 and solution, added Navajo Memo and solution, added The Hunt for Vad's Employer and solution, relisted URF Entry.asp as unsolved, updated Grrl-E-Grrl, updated URF, updated Cast, added URF CafePress store to Support, added updated event timeline (v1.10) from ChessPieceFace. v2.5: Updated Grrl-E-Grrl, updated GanMed, added Calling Card (Dash) puzzle and solution, added new site URF, added URF Entry.asp puzzle and solution, added URF Forums.asp puzzle and partial solution(s), updated Cast, added updated event timeline (v1.03) from ChessPieceFace, added Steve's Guide to Resources, updated Introduction. v2.01: Updated Grrl-E-Grrl, added many Emails from Net:Sight and Cave_Bear, added solution to NoCars Riddle, added NoCars Turnstile and NoCars Platform to Puzzles, updated Cast. v2.0: Updated ThePythia, added Members page to DCMetroCrawlers and Puzzles, added new(!) site NoCars, added NoCars Riddle to Puzzles, updated Cast, added Whois info to LarryCarlson.com, updated Mulholland Drive description in Grrl-E-Grrl, embedded Trail puzzle. v1.08: Fixed link and added to Net:Sight, updated Mephista including link to devjoe's lovely algorithm treatise, added new emails from Eric Wyngarde and Info@NetSight, added sling's mirrors and Remy's search utility to Resources. (thanks sling and Remy) v1.07: Added to ThePythia, considered Ouroboros puzzle on ThePythia concluded, added a Question, added Serpent@thePythia to ThePythia and Email, updated Intro a little, added updated event timeline (v1.02) from ChessPieceFace. v1.06: Added to ThePythia and the Pythia.asp puzzle on DCMetroCrawlers, added to Ouroboros puzzle on ThePythia, corrected and added to Cast, updated link to QuickStart Guide in warning, added Support this Game section, added updated event timeline (v1.01) from ChessPieceFace. v1.05: Updated Grrl-E-Grrl, added to ThePythia and the Pythia.asp puzzle on DCMetroCrawlers, qualified Ouroboros puzzle on ThePythia, corrected and added to Cast, added event timeline by ChessPieceFace, modified Questions and Unsolved Puzzles. v1.04: Added updates to ThePythia and Pythia.asp puzzle on DCMetroCrawlers. v1.03: Added some email exchanges. v1.02: Fixed link to HTML capture in DCMetroCrawlers, added to description for GanMed Hacked!, corrected credit and link for phone call to Net:Sight, added link to QuickStart Guide in warning. (thanks devjoe, yslingley, vpisteve and grimace) v1.01: Added domain registration info for the sites, corrected the translation for VanHolt.HTM, fixed the summary for Net:Sight, added grimace's conversation with Net:Sight, added Bruce Cain and Larry Coombs to cast. (thanks springboard) v1.0: Everything. (first compilation) v0.9: Pre-release Beta.
1.2 Unsolved Puzzles |
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1.3 Current Questions |
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1.4 Cast of Characters |
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1.5 List of Known Sites |
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1.6 Event Timeline |
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Link opens in new window. (Courtesy ChessPieceFace)
1.7 Support this Game |
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LockJaw is shaping up to be an excellent game and it costs nothing to play except all of your waking hours! You get to immerse yourself in an alternate reality with great writing and fun puzzles. You can participate in the JawBreakers community and play a part in the collective detective or you can play along solo, solving all of the puzzles yourself. I personally think a large part of the fun is in banding together with a crowd of people you may never have met, and I encourage you to join the JawBreakers. However you enjoy this game, please consider supporting the PuppetMasters by purchasing a game t-shirt or other item at one of the following sites, or by donating via PayPal. Remember, the PuppetMasters are volunteers and the nature of this game requires them to shell out some cash just to register domains, pay for hosting, buy voicemail boxes, etc. They have subtly given us a way to help bear the costs of throwing a game like this and, as a bonus, you can even get cool gamewear and accessories with logos straight out of the LockJaw universe. Please help out the PMs if you can. You never know...those shirts and mugs might be worth some bucks someday, if this type of thing catches on. CafePress Stores Grrl-E-Grrl: Cute Grrl-ie merchandise. If you're a Grrl, buy a cute baby-doll t-shirt and then quick, get a webcam and send me the address. Net:Sight Solutions: Wear that spooky Net:Sight eye everywhere you go! Turn the shirt around and SEE BEHIND YOURSELF. Arrange rows of mugs with eyes on them around your co-workers' desks and FREAK OUT if they try to move them or turn them the other way. Get a mousepad and tell everyone you like to keep an eye on your mouse balls. Crazy Pythia's GanMed Security Blowout Sale: Buy a cap and pretend you're a security guard, just like all those people at the airport checkpoints! Underground Recovery Front Capitalistic Pig-Dog Jamboree: Caution: you must be uber-l33t to purchase these items. Uber-l33t grrls, please remember to send your URF gear modeling photos to me. PayPal Donations You can now donate directly to Grrl-E-Grrl! The recipient's email address is brooke@grrl-e-grrl.com.
2.0 Discovery Trail |
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are generally listed in the order they were discovered.
2.1 GanMed |
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Summary: This site was registered in November 2001 and became active February 2002. GanMed Biotechnical appears to develop genetic treatments for diseases such as leukemia and down's syndrome. It is based in Washington, D.C. Interesting Items:
2.2 Grrl-E-Grrl |
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Summary: This site appears to be the web version of a 'Zine that's been around for 4-5 years in print. The author of the site is Brooke Hunter. Barbie Mills is a contributor. Interesting Items:
2.3 Net:Sight Solutions |
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Summary: This site belongs to an Oxford-based company that produces a web-browser/mail/web-editor/web-server suite of software. The first preview beta of version 3.0 of the browser was released on 11/19/01. Preview beta 2 was released on 2/23/02, shortly after ExtraRed received an email about it. This site is linked to from both GanMed and Grrl-E-Grrl. Interesting Items:
2.4 The Pythia |
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Summary: UrbanZombie says, "For those who slept through greek history, the pythia was the heavily intoxicated woman who translated the words of the Oracle in suitably ambiguous terms. And now she, along with her protector Typhon, has an extremely mysterious website." Aside from a reminder to "Pay attention to the signs," the first page gives us nothing to do but click on Typhon's head and head inside. The second page, however, lets us... um... OK, it doesn't really let us do much of anything. All there is is a map of the New York City subway system, with a superimposed negative of a creepy looking tunnel. No links, no text, no clues, no nothing. Well, actually, there is a little something. The source code features a little piece of inspiration by the jolly old elf, Kafka: "The mediation by the serpent was necessary: Evil can seduce man, but cannot become man. The battle is already under way. Join me." This was later modified to read, "Join me at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jawbreak/ ." Interesting Items:
2.5 DCMetroCrawlers |
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Summary: This site appears to be inaccessible but was activated on 2/15. It was originally found by accident when jjyoung appended the letter "L" to the index.htm file on Grrl-E-Grrl.com. A capture of the file is located here. The Ouroboros puzzle also leads to this site. Interesting Items:
2.6 NoCars |
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Summary: This is the website for Alternative Transportation Advocates, a group dedicated to reducing dependence on automobiles. The webmaster for this site appears to be none other than DCMetroCrawler Cave_Bear. Their logo (and front page navigation) is based on the D.C. Metro system map. The site was found by solving the DCMC Members puzzle. Interesting Items:
2.7 URF |
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Summary: This is the website for the Underground Recovery Front, a group of hacktivists dedicated to sticking it to the proverbial corporate "man." They like to speak in l33t and screw with Wal*Mart shoppers (who doesn't?). The site was found by solving the GanMed Calling Card puzzle. On 3/28/02 this site was hacked, apparently by Serpent, deleting the entire site and leaving the Four-0-Faux puzzle on the front page. Some links are to the archived versions of old pages. Interesting Items:
2.8 Moreland-WV |
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Summary: This is the website for a planned community, planned not just from the ground up but from the underground up even. It is the brainchild of one Jo Burgess. GanMed seems to be involved with it somehow. DCMC member Vad just took a job there as civil engineer/webmaster for the website. This site was found by solving "The Hunt for Vad's Employer." Interesting Items:
2.9 TerraShape |
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Summary: This is the website for the terraforming company that is working on MoreLand-WV. When originally found via a reference on the MoreLand-WV site and some creative whois footwork, this site returned only a 403-Forbidden error. It was later activated on 3/14/02 with a message saying that network problems were responsible for the recent downtime. This company appears to have some very odd ideas about how to go about their projects. Interesting Items:
2.10 General-Telometrics |
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Summary: This is the website for a pharmaceutical genetic engineering firm. They seem to be involved with GanMed and may be involved in MoreLand-WV (perhaps adding longevity serums to the apple trees or something). This site was found through a reference in the Admin mailbox at URF. Interesting Items:
Puzzles: |
2.11 Wired Souls |
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Summary: This is the website for some sort of cult/religion run by a man called Reverend Dan Lee. They seem to be involved with GanMed and may be involved in MoreLand-WV (perhaps adding longevity serums to the apple trees or something). It's been speculated that Reverend Lee's son was Anson Lee (GPS). Interesting Items:
2.12 GuysGuise |
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Summary: This is the anti-website of Grrl-E-Grrl written by jamesi and company, and probably not an in-game site. We were led here by jamesi talking about it incessantly. Interesting Items:
2.13 GenTel Janitor's Journal |
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Summary: This is the journal of the sexy, sexy janitor mentioned in the GenTel Dark Side gossip page. He is quite taken with ninjas and hot chicks, and also hot ninja chicks. Has a thing for NinjaBabe. Also appears to like pie. Interesting Items:
3.0 Puzzles |
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Puzzles are generally listed in the order they were found, unless I forgot one in which case it's listed under 4.2 Mephista. |
3.1 GanMed Hacked! [SOLVED] |
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Very briefly after the GanMed site went live, the home page was hacked and in its place was a simple math problem.: 200^2 + (69^2 + 6^3 + 4^2 + (2^3 - 1)) + 30^2 + (2^3 + 2) + 2. Shortly thereafter, the site was restored and a news update was posted. Viewable in the source was a smirking message and references to the solution from the hacked page. The solution led us to a post on the Cloudmakers mailing list (see 4.1.1 Solicitation), which in turn led us to Grrl-E-Grrl. Solution: 45912 Method: One part math, one part inspiration. By: JohnnieJYoung (Cloudmakers message 45949) was the first to add it up to 45912, while kitson1 (Cloudmakers message 45954) was the first to connect it to the earlier message.
3.2 Grrl-E-Grrl Cloudmakers Article [SOLVED] |
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At the bottom of the Cloudmakers article, there is a series of latitude and longitude co-ordinates. Solution: thepythia.net Method: By referencing the coordinates given and tracking them to the nearest capital cities, we get:
Read just the first letters to reveal the answer. By: vexguilliams
3.3 403 Error [SOLVED] |
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On 2/15/02 the front page of DCMetroCrawlers.org began to display a somewhat different error page. Solution: The page is a fake. Clicking the "Search" link takes you to the Pythia.asp page. Method: Sharp eyes. By: MosServ
3.4 Pythia.asp [SOLVED] |
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The solution to the 403 Error leads us to the Pythia.asp page. This page bears a form box and GO button underneath the text "You have corporate greed to thank for the removal of this site. You have the Oracle to thank for allowing a glimpse at what was. Pay attention to the signs." Solution(s): Entering the page names from ThePythia.net reveals the following:
Method: Guess work? By: Katya2032, acutepenguin, johnnyjyoung, devin1998, white knight
3.5 "Security" Page [SOLVED] |
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A link added to the front page of ThePythia.net takes us to the "Security" Page. Solution: The message decodes to:
Method: The message is encoded in ROT-13. By: devjoe
3.6 CafePress:Pythia [SOLVED] |
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Solving the "Security" Page puzzle leads us to a CafePress store apparently set up by Pythia. The GanMed Security T-Shirt being sold there has a graphic on the back with a strange half-heart symbol and a broken sequence of numbers. Solution: ten little indians, anyone ? Method: "If you substitute letters for the digits, with a=1, b=2, etc., and sometimes having to guess which pairs of digits go together, you get ? enoyna snaidni elttil net Or, reversed, "ten little indians, anyone?" The funny symbol at the beginning is a backwards question mark, which is ironic since we were using a question mark to represent the unknown symbol." Joe By: devjoe
3.7 Ouroboros [SOLVED] |
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The seemingly random series of page names on ThePythia turns out to have some order after all. This was probably how we would have found DCMetroCrawlers if we hadn't stumbled into that leftover HTML. However, it should be noted that we may not have been able to solve this prematurely if we hadn't already known about DCMC. Solution: dcmetrocrawlersorg Method: The Pythia pages linked from the Ouroboros image are named 713oe, 144re, 169or, 211cw, 158sc, 36mr, 17112rdl, and 51018tag. If we map the DCMC domain to numbers as shown: D C M E T R
O C R A W L E R S . O R G and back-check (7, 13 = O, E); (14, 4 = R, E); (16, 9 = O, R), (2, 11 = C, W); (15, 8 = S, C); (3, 6 = M, R); (17, 1, 12 = R, D, L); and (5, 10, 18 = T, A, G). On 2/21/02, the final page was activated, as suspected. By: devjoe and anothercloudmaker (within minutes of each other!)
3.8 Members Page [SOLVED] |
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There is text hidden between parts of some of the phone numbers on this page. Solution: nocars.org Method: The hidden characters given are: g a o c r n
r o . s Assuming they represent a .org website, rearranging the remaining letters leads us to NoCars. By: UrbanZombie
3.9 NoCars Riddle [SOLVED] |
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At the bottom of this page is white-on-white text that reads:
Solution: http://www.nocars.org/station/turnstile.asp Method: Logic and inspiration. By: JJYoung and Bryan Guilliams. (jj found /station/ and bryan filled in /turnstile.asp)
3.10 NoCars Turnstile [SOLVED] |
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This is mainly a blank page with a text box and a submit button. The page title is turnstile. Solution: 3214 (The password used in Barbie's article, "First Crawl.") Method: Pure genius. By: SpaceBass
3.11 NoCars Platform [SOLVED] |
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This page is titled CMCD Platform. It has an image of a speeding subway train, flanked by six "icons" taken from bits of the big picture. The bottom of the page has input boxes labeled "Handle" and "Password," along with a "log in" button. There are three known logins for this puzzle and one pending solution. Solution 1: vad / orient Method: In the first NoCars map, the first letters of the names of the three unlinked small stations were an anagram of VAD. The linked stations were West Falls Church, East Falls Church, Farragut North, Eastern Market and Southern Avenue. All of these names included compass directions, two of which were east. Thinking "Far East," we arrive at "orient" for the password. By: SpaceBass
Solution 2: barbara / allen Method: It was noted by Steve in #jawbreakers that if you took the first letters of the non-linked small stations, you got an anagram for "barbara." The linked stations are Virginia Square, Foggy Bottom-GWU, Georgia Ave.-Petworth, Prince George's Plaza, and Congress Heights. The GWU stands for George Washington University. There are three Georges (after a fashion), one Congress, and one Virginia. If you check the Congress page on NoCars and take a look at the people from Virginia, you'll find one George Allen, hence the password. By: SpaceBass
Solution 3: creeper / vogue Method: Unlinked stations were: Cleveland Park, Rhode Island Ave., Eisenhower Ave., Eastern Market, Pentagon City, East Falls Church, and Rockville. Linked stations were: Van Dorn Street, College Park U of MD, Foggy Bottom - GWU, Columbia Heights, and Clarendon. Skprince_s used the fashion links to guess Vogue, then it was later determined that the answer could be arrived at by taking one letter from each name starting with the first letter of Van Dorn, then the second of College Park, and so on to spell the password. By: mottjr2001 and skprince_s
Solution 4: cave_bear / cancer Method: Unlinked stations are: Columbia Heights, Addison Road, Van Ness-UDC, Eastern Market, Braddock Ave., East Falls Church, Anacostia, and Rhode Island Ave. Linked Stations are: Glenmont, Arlington Cemetary, Branch Ave., Archives-Navy Memorial, and U St.-Cardozo. "How did I reach this conclusion, you may ask? First, all the hints about '5 Stars'... then Barbie's comments in the Euchre game about how Bear likes to stargaze... then I looked at the PATTERN of the linked points on the nocars site... and compared it to many starcharts... and it looked suspiciously like the constellation for CANCER! Typed it in... lo and behold, the fruits of my labors!" By: celina63
3.12 GanMed Calling Card [SOLVED] |
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This page was originally just a JPEG graphic, which was later embedded by The Pythia into an HTML page which linked to clarity.html, where The Pythia corrected the original graphic's error, not to mention cleaning it up to be more readable and, well, clear. Solution: 10101-10010-110.org Method: Assuming any capital letters are dots and lowercase letters and numbers are dashes, we can convert the l33t-speak to morse code. Translating the morse code, while keeping the two errant dashes in the image, gives the solution. In the original dash.jpg, the last three morse sequences spelled "oog" rather than "org." By: Clan #JawBreakers
3.13 URF Entry.asp |
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This page is titled "understanding." It has an input box and a submit button. It was considered solved on 3/6/01 but the password was later changed. The original solution was "revolution," arrived at by combining and unscrambling the two-letter names of the frames on the main page: "oe," "in," "rv," "ou," and "lt." Solution: Unknown. Method: By:
3.14 URF Forums.asp [SOLVED] |
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This page is titled forum login. It has a header image labeled "Forums," and three text entry boxes with submit buttons next to each labeled (in order) "admin," " downtime," and "events." admin: There is a page up called admin.html. At first it said the "mail serv" was down for maintenance. Currently, it says the "serv" is back up and instructs us to log in "properly." In the source code next to this button is the comment: "<-- when he exclaims "run," everyone goes in fear -->" On 3/10/02, this was changed to say "<-- when he exclaims "run," everyone goes in fear, perhaps in error -->"
downtime: In the source code next to this button is the comment: "<-- /where the grass is greener -->"
3.15 NoCars Platform 2 [SOLVED] |
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This page is titled CMCD Platform. It has an image of a speeding subway train, flanked by six "icons" taken from bits of the big picture. The bottom of the page has input boxes labeled "Handle" and "Password," along with a "log in" button. Next to each box in hidden text is the word "trouble." These words were removed sometime in April, and the password was changed. Solution: liberty / death Method: See Beaten Track. By: sapagoo
Previous Solution: ahead / behind Method: Vad had an email titled "trouble" in his mailbox with partial lyrics from Casey Jones, a Grateful Dead song. The song goes "trouble ahead, trouble behind." By: Havok10 |
3.16 Navajo Memo [SOLVED] |
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Method: The memo is first written in Navajo code-speak, then encrypted in ROT-13. By: Team Navajo! (Urban Zombie, Jamesi, Mos, Springboard, SpaceBass, SpaceBass's girlfriend, Crfets)
3.17 The Hunt for Vad's Employer [SOLVED] |
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This is an email reply from Barbie regarding Vad's new job. He told her to check out the website but unfortunately the address got cut off in her reply! Solution: www.moreland-wv.org Method: Taking the first letter of each sentence in Barbie's reply, including the errant dash on the line by itself, yields the address of Vad's new employer. By: SpaceBass
3.18 URF Barcode [SOLVED] |
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At the top of the main URF page, there is a barcode that is a part of the header image. The solution directs us to click on the left eye of the URF mascot, which we already knew. Solution: LEFT EYE Method: From sapagoo's description "I translated the bar codes into relative widths of bars and spaces: " "The next step was to find a bar code type. The two most common are UPC (on merchandise) and Code-39. Code-39 is nice because it encodes letters AND numbers. Searching for a convenient bar code table, I used http://www.adams1.com/pub/russadam/39code.html. "In code-39 you take 5 bars and the 4 spaces - and 3 of those 9 have to be wider than the others. so I grouped the code accordingly (I had several 2's, which I tweaked to fit code-39). " 3.1.3...1.1 1.3.3...1.1 3.1.3...1..1 3... 3.1.3...1.1 "Then things got interesting. Seven letters. As I started matching up codes to letters, I got ta-da.... L E F T E Y E." By: sapagoo
3.19 CafePress:URF |
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There is something very odd about the pricing on the URF CafePress store. All of the other stores have even numbered prices, however this prices on this page are: Baseball jersey $18.39 Solution: Method: By:
3.20 Department Glyphs |
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This page lists all of the departments that make up TerraShape and each department has its own odd hexagonal glyph. The glyphs are themselves arranged in big hexagon. Solution: Method: By:
3.21 Pieces.jpg [SOLVED] |
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Vad uploaded a scan of some torn up paper to NoCars which he apparently scavenged from Jo Burgess' trash. The solution along with the handle "jburgess" gives us a login to the TerraShape mail page (jburgess/prosperity). An image of the reassembled memo was later posted to NoCars. Solution:
Method: Hard work. By: Gupfee and ozy_y2k
3.22 Four-0-Faux [SOLVED] |
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On 3/28/02 the URF site was hacked, leaving only this flash animation. It starts out as a normal-looking 404-File Not Found error page, which dissolves into a swirling Ouroboros image and ending with a negative-image of the original 404. On the first frame of the animation (which you can see by hitting rewind after it plays), some of the letters are italicized. They are: e h e n s g i e w g e. Solution: Gehen sie weg. ("Go Away" in German) Method: Deutsche Anagrammatung By: Consensus.
3.23 MoreLand Anagram [SOLVED] |
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On 3/28/02, Vad took our Euchre advice to hide messages in the source code of his website. Found scattered throughout MoreLand's source code (post-Euchre) were the following text characters (in the respective locations): <!-- m --> "frame"
source Solution: http://www.moreland-wv.org/memo.jpg Method: "I got this by looking at the letters, and taking out the j and the p. No doubt there's a g hiding around, somewhere..." [Indeed there was, in the source code of the employment application acceptance page.] By: yetanotherid2000
3.24 Ecclesiastic [SOLVED] |
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On 4/2/02, an image of a group of stars was added to top of the main page, which linked to this page. It has an image of a snake wrapped around a branch and a quote, "Woe to Him that is alone when he falleTh for he hath not anotheR to help him Up." The highlighted letters are of a slightly different color. A hidden message in the source code reads, "ring, ring, ring." On 4/4/02, the source code changed to read, "Truth has a ring all its own. Do you hear it?" On 4/5/02, the image was linked to a page titled, "citsaiselccE," which contained a manipulated screenshot of the Wired Souls audio archive. This led us to the solution of the Ecclesiastic puzzle. Solution: 87884 Method: The discolored letters anagrammed to the word truth. With the second update, we realized we were supposed to translate it into numbers and use it in the audio archive box at Wired Souls. By: DonkeyOatey
3.25 GanMed WebMail Logins |
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On 4/2/02 the WebMail login became active. Solution: lewisl / kingsmen (Louis Lewis) Method: "Obvious reasons." By: UrbanZombie
Solution: doanc / shelley (Chet Doan) Method: From Frankenstein quotes in Doan's first confession. By: Tyfanie Star
Solution: thomasd / andrea (Dan Thomas) Method: Various GanMed emails refer to Dan Thomas' wife, Andrea. By: DonkeyOatey
Solution: wolfea / rover (Anthony Wolfe) Method: He mentioned his dog's name in an email to Dan Thomas. By: vpiSteve
Solution: jarrettk / pennywise (Kathy Jarrett) Method: There were a lot of Stephen King references in the article about her on Grrl-E-Grrl. By: celina63
3.26 Euchre 2 - Two Cards [SOLVED] |
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On 4/3/02, Vad and Barbie held another Euchre game, which we again crashed. Vad gave Barbie a puzzle in conversation during the game and the players and kibitzers dutifully pasted it into #JB.
Solution(s): http://www.moreland-wv.org/hoyle/ace/diamond/ and http://www.moreland-wv.org/hoyle/jack/heart/ Method: Process of elimination. By: Team #JB.
3.27 48 Emails [SOLVED?] |
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On 4/3/02, the swirling 404 error on the front page of URF was updated. The words "file not" at the bottom had a brief link during the animation that led us to the first of the following emails apparently between h3z (Hermes) and Serpent. Looks like Serpent had Hermes send a couple of uRfers to retrieve some tape from Moreland, and they got "dead" in the process. Each email was linked daily to the next.
Solution: http://www.10101-10010-110.org/8/ Method: Adding up the filesizes of the GIFs Hermes sent gives us http://www.10101-10010-110.org/68/. The title of the page leads us to the "Tao Te Ching (Dover Thrift Editions)." Using the book numbers from this version and adding up the I-Ching numbers leads us to http://www.10101-10010-110.org/196/ which tells us to use a different book. Turns out the quantity of emails seems to be the answer. By: ane_appelt
3.28 ODES Logins |
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This is a login window for the GenTel Online Data Entry System. Solution: kasgort / lauren (Kevin Asgort) Method: An email received from GenTel employee Lauren Woods referred a JawBreaker to her boyfriend, Kevin Asgort. Mr. Asgort apparently subscribes to the ultra-weak security method of generating his passwords based on the name of his significant other. By: shelmerritt
Solution: jmissoli / white (John Missoli) Method: In the Light Side gossip page, John Missoli is quoted as asking what the cover of the Beatles' White Album looks like. By: thenewchico
Solution: lalvaro / voltaire (Linda Alvaro) Method: Linda (who seems to be seducing her new boss) told Jmissoli, "It is not enough to conquer, one must know how to seduce." This is a quote of Voltaire. By: mottjr2001
3.29 Hermes Pieces [SOLVED?] |
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On 4/6/02, certain JawBreakers began receiving emails from Hermes himself. He attached GIF files to each email, each labeled with a name such as "_A_.gif." When combined and rearranged, the letters spelled out "ADD UP THE NUMBER." Solution: Image [Inside-spiraling text, starting from the outside] "where do i even start... there was so much going on that you never knew, that i only half knew, things moving in the background, terrible things... I should have known to get out. It was all too strange how suddenly jules was gone. remember the forums just before then? no, not those forums, the ones you didn't have access too because you didn't see the inside, the dark interior that drove this naive crew down an unpaved road to an imagined - false - noble victory over the "real" evil forces... you would have never known she existed, let alone that she pulled the strings... jules defied her and landed in prison, the rest of them gave her free reign over us, the gophers. i knew what happened but i didn't stand against her, didn't even have the courage to leave. so she got me to send you. moot," [Outward-spiraling text, starting from the inside] "off to your death with "one of the kids" at the wheel. none of us knew what the point was, what the bigger picture was. she didn't tell us, me. now you're dead. i didn't go to your funeral, didnt even know where it was. they kept your name out of the paper, family only. did they play chopins funeral march, i wonder? i would play holsts mars. you felt disconnected from the rest of us, so i sent you, make you part of the group. you didn't speak the lingo but you grasped the ideals, the purpose, better than any of us. now, i know youd warn me off this, but theres no time for wu wei. i am not a stream and she is not a boulder. you went away and for the first time i understood... you won't be here to see it, but i found" In the middle of the image were two chinese characters. These characters were found to translate loosely to:"The Use of Emptiness." Method: Reassembly. By: Team Hermes.
3.30 Kasgort Amino Acids [SOLVED] |
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This page in Kevin Asgort's ODES files contains an "interesting amino acid sequence."
Method: Translation. By: crfets
3.31 Euchre 3 - Card Code [SOLVED] |
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On 4/10/02, Vad again gave us a puzzle during the third Euchre game chat.
Solution: http://www.moreland-wv.org/stonecutters/ Method: The encoded text translates to:
The answer, of course is "we do, we do," a reference to the StoneCutters episode of the Simpsons. This leads us to http://www.moreland-wv.org/stonecutters/, which contains some rune code. A key was found which decoded that chicken scratch to "My father would be so proud: Who says you can't teach an old dog new alphabets? Found this lot in the usual way, (the trash) Maybe you can make something of it: Stonecutter's Pieces," leading us to http://www.moreland-wv.org/stonecutters/pieces/. Reassembling the pieces gave us:
By: mos_eisley_bartendar, mootwo, adoyle98
3.32 Jo Burgess Screams [SOLVED] |
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An email from KW on 3/24/02 contains only the following text:
Method: Vigenere cipher, using the key "scream" from the email subject. By: yetanotherid2000
3.33 Jo Burgess Calimacus [SOLVED] |
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On 4/12/02, Jo received an email from CB with the subject "Calimacus." It contained the following text:
The following hidden text was also present:
By: Scryer
3.34 GanMed Bread Crumbs [SOLVED] |
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On 4/9/02 GanMed was updated with links to the following pages found at the bottoms of various pages on the site. Each page contains fragments of the GanMed logo in text, with some plaintext bits inserted. http://www.ganmed.com/1.html
- inerators can handle five or six at On 4/11/02 these pages were added. http://www.ganmed.com/7.html
- anywhere. Even in tunnels. How many there are, I'm On 4/15/02 these pages were added. http://www.ganmed.com/10.html
- re: the screw up down there, things are fine. One more On 4/18/02 these pages were added. http://www.ganmed.com/13.html
- a time. They're fast, On 4/29/02 these pages were added. http://www.ganmed.com/15.html
- Villanueva girl "filed." When she came in to see me Solution:
Method: Patience. By: Blue_Monde753
3.35 Eastern [SOLVED] |
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On 4/9/02, the constellation image on the front page of ThePythia was linked to this page, which contained the same image as in the Ecclesiastic puzzle, but with the following text: WHEN EVIL BEFALLS HIM HE IS DESPONDANT Letters that are lighter in color: N S I Solution: Enter SIN in the sounds archive page of Wired Souls. Method: Same as Ecclesiastic, except without the converting to numbers part. It's quite straightforward, really. By: mottjr2001
3.36 Pythia Patts [SOLVED] |
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On 4/19/02, the "Pay Attention to the Signs" image on the front page of ThePythia was linked to this page, which contains a composite image of a hospital sign, an arrow in the shape of a two, and a pedestrians ahead sign. On 4/20/02 the following
comments were added to the source code. On 4/21/02 they were changed
as follows and another comment was added. Solution: http://www.thepythia.net/hope.html Method: I have no idea. By: p33r
3.37 Beaten Track [SOLVED] |
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A list of roads was found in Vad's NoCars inbox. On 4/19/02, Bear emailed Creeper a second version. A final reminder was sent on 4/24/02. Solution:
Method: Destiny. By: sapagoo
3.38 Euchre 4 - Paris to Rouen [SOLVED] |
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Vad gave Barbie (and us) clues to a new puzzle during the April 17 Euchre game.
Method: Paris and Rouen refer to two different styles of playing card printings. The solution is made up of people who were used to represent some of the royal cards in these deck styles. By: vpiSteve, Tyfanie Star, and Brian Guilliams
3.39 Euchre 5 - Notadoll's Profile [SOLVED] |
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Barbie said she posted a new image during the Euchre chat. It can be found on her profile page: http://profiles.yahoo.com/notadoll70. Solution:
By: MosServ, jamesi, ozy_y2k, and team #JB
3.40 NinjaBabe [SOLVED] |
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On 4/25/02, Kevin Asgort's GenTel ODES page was updated with a business card belonging to Lauren Woods. Astrological sign Leo on the ninja suit. The Greek letters on the side are gamma tau | lambda sigma. The "gossip mistress" presumably alludes to her editorship of the company newsletter "Light Side." In a post to the Wired Souls messageboard, she mentions that she put up a secret page on the company website for the corporate gossip. Solution: Method: Unbridled nosiness. By: Scryer
3.41 Net:Sight Product Info [SOLVED] |
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On 4/25/02, some screenshots of the upcoming mail client, web editor, and web server were found on the Net:Sight site. Solution(s):
By: vpiSteve, sapagoo
3.42 Grasshopper and Octopus [SOLVED] |
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On 4/26/02, americaprd found some hidden text in the source code of the Moreland-WV Iduna newsletter, reading "<!-- of the grasshopper and the octopus. All year long, the grasshopper kept burying -->" Crfets pointed out that this was a quote from the character Fry in the television show, Futurama. Solution:
Method: Comic Book Guy-like skills of identification. By: crfets
3.43 Oddity [SOLVED] |
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On 4/26/02, a link to this page was added to ThePythia. The discolored words are "let," "stand," and "awe." Solution: Method: Put letstandawe in the sounds archive page of Wired Souls. By: Tyfanie Star
3.44 Shiny Eyes |
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On 4/30/02, Hermes sent emails to several JawBreakers with the subject: o.o and the body: x.x An imagewas also attached called "cesyeuxmehantent.jpg". Solution: Method: By:
3.45 Euchre 6 - Hoyle 272 [SOLVED] |
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After an exciting match-up (and I don't mean the Euchre game), Vad left in a huff - but as he did so he left a message for B: "Tell Bear that according to Hoyle 272" Solution: Method: A search for Hoyle on Amazon shows that Page 272 has the game "Four-five-six". so we try http://www.moreland-wv.org/four-five-six/. Look at the source code and we get the prize(s). By: brownpaperblag
4.0 Incoming Clues and MetaData |
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Incoming clues and metadata are received from sources other than the web, such as email, telephone, voicemail, newspaper, television, etc.
4.1 Email |
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4.2 Mephista |
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4.3 Phone Calls |
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4.4 Euchre |
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5.0 Current Dead Ends |
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5.1 Sites Without Working Authorization |
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5.2 Non-Game Sites |
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LarryCarlson.com: I think it's been concluded that this site, although overwhelmingly strange, is not a game site. However, there is still speculation that it may be. Whois Info |
6.0 Resources |
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Guide: Steve has written an excellent linear walkthrough to the
game, which may be easier to follow than this reference. JawBreakers
Mailing List: The place for discussing, discovering, and solving
the game code-named LockJaw. This list has the potential to generate a
LOT of traffic. Current speculation can be found here. Compiled information
such as emails, pictures, and other clues can be accessed by group members
in the databases. JawBreakers Moderated List: This is the best place to get caught up. Important clues, updates, and solutions are posted here by the JawBreakers Moderators. JawBreakers Live Chat: Join #jawbreakers on irc.chat-solutions.org:6667 Remy's Patented LockJaw Search-O-Tron: Searches all six known game sites, the Trail, and the Timeline. Remy asks: "Please don't abuse this too much - it's not my machine and it's supposed to be low-use." JawBreakers
Laugh Track: Hyuk. LockJaw
Trail Mirrors:
7.0 Credits |
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This Trail would not be possible without the support of the collective detective group JawBreakers. The LockJaw Trail is dedicated to TrailBlazer Dan Hon. Layout liberally borrowed from his original Trail. Thanks to the PuppetMasters for throwing this game. If you enjoy it, please support it! LockJaw Trail compiled by SpaceBass. For comments, corrections, deletions or suggestions, contact me at LJ-Trail@max15degrees.com. If you want to contact me personally, please visit my site, Max15Degrees, and that'll pretty much take care of that.
v5.0 05/01/2002 SpaceBass |